Chapter Seven - Alena's P.O.V

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I woke up the next morning and the bus was no longer was moving, or at least, didn't feel like it. After crawling out of my covers and nearly falling out of my bunk, I walked into the "main" part of the bus, expecting to see the guys, but no one was there.

However, there was a brown bag on the table, which contained doughnuts when I peaked inside, so I couldn't stop from helping myself to breakfast.

The clock on the wall read that it was nearly eleven, so the guys had really let me sleep in today. After I was finished eating, I changed from my pajamas into tan pants and a striped shirt, tucking the front of it into my jeans. I slipped on the white flats that I packed and after combing through my hair, now loose waves from the curls last night, I walked out of the bus and looked around.

From what I could tell, we were at another venue. This time in New York as they had told me we would be last night. I wandered aimlessly until I found a door on the side, walking through to find mountains of sound equipment, bins full of old sets for an old show, and endless other things. I continued through until I found a door that said, "Twenty One Pilots" on the top, and I knocked.

"It's about time you've woken up," Josh rolled his eyes and laughed after opening the door and letting me in. Tyler was sitting on a couch and scrolling through his phone, just like he was when I found him on the bus yesterday.

"What have I missed?" I asked, looking back between the two of them. Josh sat next to Tyler and patted the seat for me to sit next to him, putting Josh in the middle.

"Just the sound check, nothing big." Josh responded, then looked next to him at Tyler. "What are you doing?"

"Talking to Jenna," he said right away, "her flight just landed. I'm gonna go pick her up."

"I thought she was coming tomorrow night?" Josh asked, visibly confused.

"I guess she got an earlier flight. I'll be back soon." Tyler stood up and walked out of the dressing room, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door clicked shut, Josh turned to me.

"Okay, listen, it is very obvious that you two have a lot of unfinished business. You two need to talk to each other, okay? You can't just avoid each other this whole week." Josh stared directly into my eyes when he spoke to me, making me even more anxious.

"How am I supposed to do that when he now has his girlfriend coming?" I had no desire to meet this girl. I shouldn't care, but I just didn't want to. I didn't want to see him with anyone else.

"You'll find a way." Josh tried to assure me, but it only worried me more. The idea of talking about our past terrified me. "You wanna go get something for lunch?" He asked, standing up and grabbing his phone off of the table in front of one of the mirrors.

"I just woke up and ate breakfast... oh why not." I followed behind him until we were out where the bus was again. There were a few other cars there too, which Josh explained to me that they used so that they wouldn't have to take the bus everywhere. Tyler took one to the airport, and we took another to go get lunch.


"So what's she like?" I asked Josh before swirling the straw around my glass of water and taking a sip.

"Who, Jenna? Oh my goodness." Josh put his fork down and looked up at me. "She is probably the sweetest thing on this entire planet, there's no way that anyone around her isn't happy, she just makes everyone smile. You're going to love her."

I looked back down at my salad and just moved it back and forth with my fork, resting my head against my palm and keeping my elbow at the edge of the table to hold me up.

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