Chapter Twenty Four - Alena's P.O.V

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Chapter Twenty Four - Alena's P.O.V

"How was your day sweetheart?" Derrick asked, kissing my cheek to greet me after just walking through the door.

"Honestly, it was a bit of a train wreck... we should probably talk." I didn't want to alarm him, but I knew that we also needed to have a conversation about all of this. I didn't want him to just be rushing around the room and half listening to what I was saying, this was all important — at least to me.

Quickly, he set his things down and sat with me in the living room. "What's going on? What happened today?" The concern in his voice evident.

"I know this is probably something that we should have talked about, a decision that we should've made together, but it was a totally spontaneous, spur of the moment choice, and I just had to do it." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to let the weight fall from inside my chest. "I quit my job today. I'm sorry, like I said before I know this is a decision we should have made together but I'm just been so unhappy Derrick. And I haven't been at work in a while, yes, but going back today just reminded me how tired of it I am, I'm going nowhere, wasting my time, I-"

"Lena, please, baby, it's okay." Derrick took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. "Of course I wish that we could've talked about this, but even if we had, I wouldn't have told you to do anything differently. I only wish that I knew how unhappy you've been, I don't want you feeling so stuck. If you're feeling that way, then I'm here, I'll help you and we'll get through it together, okay? Everything is going to be okay." He gave a soft smile in attempt to reassure me, but I only cried. I embraced him tightly and cried. Okay Alena, too many tears today, I told myself. Even still, I couldn't help the tears.

This time, I didn't know what they were for. Were they sad tears for being so unhappy? Were they overwhelmed tears after everything that's been happening the past couple of weeks? Were they happy tears because Derrick is far better to me than I will ever deserve? Maybe an insane mix of it all.

"I love you Alena, and as your husband-to-be, your happiness is my utmost priority. I will do whatever it takes to give you a happy life." Derrick kissed my hair has he held me close to his chest, his hold muffling my sobs. I couldn't respond, what was I to say to him? That I didn't deserve him. That's the only correct response in this situation.

"On the bright side, now you can go to California with Jess and Liz on Sunday!"

"Will you be joining us? I did buy you a ticket." I came out of his chest now, wiping my tears.

"Now that you can go, I'm planning on it," he smiled, "Everything at work should be taken care of for me to have the time off. I'm excited to have some time with you, we haven't gotten away in a while. Maybe this is what you need, babe." He rubbed my leg, still trying to relax me. Maybe he was right. Maybe a bit of a vacation will be good for me... for us.

"Well, before we think about that we have something else we need to worry about..." I began to remind him.

"What? Alena, we're trying to have you not worry here!"

"Thanksgiving is in two days Derrick! Literally two days! I don't know how I possibly could've forgotten something like that, I was at lunch with my mom today and she brought it up, my heart literally stopped! Everything has been so crazy but I never should've forgotten something like this, especially when we are hosting! And it's our first Thanksgiving being engaged and being in our home and-"

"Alena, please," he interrupted, "breathe in..." he stopped me and had me follow him in taking deep breaths, just one of many ways he helps when I get flustered like this. "Okay. It's okay that you forgot. You haven't physically been here for a while, your head has been elsewhere, it happens. It is okay. Besides, you can't cook anyway." I gasped and slapped his arm, making him laugh. "I'm kidding! But seriously Lena I have everything taken care of. I went shopping Saturday while you were in the midst of traveling back here from the tour, you cleaned the house already, and without me having to even say anything about Thanksgiving I might add! Everything is okay. Please, let's enjoy these next couple of weeks instead of worrying about them. It's going to get better if we let it."

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