Chapter Ten - Alena's P.O.V

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 I stood up from the bench and stormed off of the stage and back out to the bus, but of course I wouldn't make it there without Tyler running after me and grabbing my wrist before I could move any further than where I'd made it to in the back lot.

"Let go of me Tyler." I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face him, yanking my arm out from his grip, but to no avail.


"Tyler I mean it, let go of me,"

"I already did once, I can't do it again, please just hear me out." Despite my lack of patience at the time, I knew the only way that he'd let go of my wrist was if I'd agreed to listen to him.

His grip was still strong, his hands still firm.

"Fine. But on the bus, it's cold out here." And so, we went onto the bus and the moment that the door was closed behind him, Tyler began speaking.

"You like to think that I'm much dumber than I really am, don't you? I knew from that Thanksgiving that you were talking to Derrick. Did you really think that I would hold on? That I was just going to keep dropping everything so that we could still talk and see each other once every two months just to find out that you were interested in another guy?"

"Really Tyler? We were friends then!" I rolled my eyes, raising my voice. "I had no interest in Derrick romantically until a few years ago, long after we broke things off. I had always been dedicated to you. Now what's the real reason?"

He made a face as if to say, "that is the real reason!" but no words left his mouth. Instead, he gave up and looked at the floor.

"You know how tiring it is to live in your shadow?"

"Tyler what are you talking-"

"You'd come home and you'd have all these great stories about what you were doing and these people you were meeting and I had nothing. You go on and graduate and I'm dropping out and staying at home with no idea what I'm doing. I could never keep up with you Alena. I had to stop pretending that one day I would."

I didn't say anything for a moment, a little too surprised to form a cohesive thought. "You cut me off, because you didn't think you were good enough for me?"

"Alena you should be thanking me. Look at you-"

"Do you see yourself? You're doing what you love and traveling with your best friend and you have millions of people that you are supporting with your music, do you have any understanding of how remarkable that is? And you were living in my shadow?"

"Yes! I was Alena! All of our relationship I lived in your shadow. But look at you now; if I hadn't forced you to wake up and see that it wasn't working, you never would've found someone that you deserve. Listen, I'm happy for you, okay? Are we good now?"

"I don't know Tyler. I really thought that we did deserve each other, but looking back now, I can't imagine how I let myself be with someone so oblivious; someone who truly had no comprehension of his importance to me and to everyone and everything around him. But I did. Foolish me."

Tyler just turned and heavily sighed, and instantaneously slammed his right fist against the door, making me jump out of my skin. But before I could argue anything with him, he opened the door and ran out. And I was left standing alone on the bus, goosebumps covering every inch of my skin, so overwhelmed I thought I was going to be sick.


"We are Twenty One Pilots, thank you for coming out tonight New York." Tyler mumbled into the microphone over Josh's drumming before they transitioned into Guns For Hands. I was sitting on the side of the stage tonight with everyone else that was here visiting and what not, watching Josh and Tyler perform their set again.

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