Chapter Thirty - Alena's P.O.V

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Chapter Thirty - Alena's P.O.V

    Soon enough, I was home. Wednesday night, Derrick and I flew back to Columbus, while Jess and Liz flew to Boston and headed home. The house felt strange without them at first, but by the middle of the day on Thursday it felt sort of normal again. Derrick was immediately back to work, leaving Bentley and I in the house to ourselves.

    Perhaps the only thing that didn't feel normal was me. Since waking up, I just felt absolutely terrible. I tried to eat but I ran straight to the bathroom after finishing an english muffin. I didn't even try eating anything more, knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep it down. I also felt strangely achey... all of my odd symptoms felt to have come out of nowhere, but I told myself I was probably just tired from traveling and it was taking a toll on my body.

    Before I knew it, however, it had been almost a week of still feeling this way. I never really mentioned it to Derrick prior to this, not wanting him to worry over nothing. But I really was just feeling odd. I was struggling to bring myself to eat and felt so fatigued by the time he got home at the end of each day, despite my lack of doing anything while he was at work. Maybe it's just stress, I told myself, I'm not working right now and the holidays are around the corner, that can't be relaxing by any means. Though I thought this to be true, I shared with Derrick that I wasn't feeling too hot. He was concerned, naturally, but I didn't want to make a major fuss out of nothing. The conversation didn't last more than a couple of minutes. 

    Well, it had seemed like nothing. Until another week or so later when I missed my period. If all of this really is stress, it would make sense. I used to miss periods all the time due to anxiety and that must be what's happening now. Still, I felt that I should go to the doctor just to make sure everything is okay. That Monday, after Derrick left for work, I got in the car and brought myself to my primary care doctor.

    "So, what's been going on?" She asked me, standing in front of me as I sat on the examination table. She held a clipboard in one hand, resting the bottom of it against her hip, and twisted a pen in the other.

    "At the beginning of the month I flew back home from California, and the day after my flight I really wasn't feeling so well. I couldn't eat anything, kept getting sick, and felt sore for really no reason. I assumed my body was just tired from the traveling and didn't think much of it, but it's been a few weeks now and none of this has gone away... I was also supposed to get my period a couple of days ago and it still hasn't come. I was thinking it might all be anxiety? I'm not working right now so that's kind of stressful and I've missed periods from that in the past, I'm just no doctor so I thought it best to come get a professional opinion." I laughed in discomfort as I concluded, hoping that she wouldn't have some sort of terrible news for me.

    "I think we'll need to run a couple of tests Alena, but let me take a look at you first and then we'll send you down to the lab." She looked at my eyes and ears and into my throat, listened to me breathe and took my blood pressure. All of the standard checks. Once she was done, she sent me to the lab and told me I would be called in a couple of days with the results of my lab work. Until then, I was just supposed to relax. I tried taking Bentley out for walks and reading a book that I had started a while ago but never got around to finishing. As I was getting out of the shower that Wednesday, I heard my phone ringing.


    "Hi, Alena, it's Dr. Collins, how are you?"

    "Oh, hi! I'm doing well, how are you?" I tried to sound delighted by her call, but I was undeniably petrified.

    "I'm doing well, thank you. I'm calling because I have your test results from the other day. I'm excited to let you know that you tested positive for pregnancy!" She sounded thrilled. My heart sank into my stomach. I was going to be sick.

    "Oh, my -"

    "Congratulations," she interrupted, "if you need, you are welcome to come in tomorrow and we can talk about your options. I am sending your information to a doctor who will be a great fit for you and your partner during this journey of yours. You will have your first ultrasound appointment on January 9th, does that work for you?" So much was being said at once that I couldn't process it. How was this happening?

    "I'm sorry, what day of the week is that?"

    "It's a Monday, that should be one of the earliest days that we can find a heartbeat."

    "Okay, thank you."

    "Make sure to add that to your calendar, and in the mean time if you need anything you just give us a call. Congratulations again, Alena!"

    "Thank you," I ended the call as quickly as possible and looked up into the mirror, which had now cleared of the steam from my shower. After setting my phone on the counter, I turned to the side and put my hands under my stomach, holding what was now a baby. I still couldn't believe it.

    I soon heard footsteps coming up the stairs, followed by Derrick's voice echoing, "I'm home!" This sent me in a panic. I quickly wrapped my robe around my body and hung up the towels that had been on the floor.  I could hear his footsteps traveling around upstairs, making my heart beat faster. After wandering around for a minute and calling out my name, he finally knocked on the bathroom door. Still, I jumped upon hearing his knuckles against the wood.

    "Honey, can I come in?" His voice was soft, yet excited. I looked at myself in the mirror again before premising his entrance. How am I going to do this?

    "How was work?" I smiled to him as he walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.

    "Work is work," he shrugged. "I would obviously rather be home with you." He planted a kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes for a moment. "How was your day? Did you hear back from the doctor yet?"

    "She called today," I looked into his eyes, my heart racing. "Just a virus, she said it should go away within a couple of days."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: short update today but AHH hopefully some exciting things happening!! These are the moments in this story that I have been dying to write so I hope you all enjoy reading them!

Also... I decided to submit this story for the 2019 Wattys!! Never in a million years thought I would do that, but I have made strides with my writing through Lovely & DFAM. Although I have always dreamed of being a published author, I never thought I would even have the confidence in my writing to put it on the internet. And even though this is only fanfiction, this story really means a lot to me and I'm hopeful for what the future will bring to it.

With that being said, thank you all for reading this far and supporting me & my work! Be sure to vote/comment/share with your fellow TØP fans & spread the love |-/

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