The Consequences of Kissing

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Hey Lovelies!! I hope your lives are going fantastically! I've finally got this chapter finished and I must say that I enjoy it quite a bit. At first I was unsure of it but as I got to reading over it a couple times I actually became quite fond of it. With a couple of tweaks here and there I finally got it as close to perfection as humanly possible. I hope you guys like it!

 And I'm sorry updates are coming in so slow. Even if I want to live in a fictional world the real one keeps tugging me back in. I belong to my own realities though and I always will. Hope you enjoy! Merry reading my dear friends!


The Consequences of Kissing

Bobby's POV

When I finally open my eyes the next time everything is quiet and the room is dark save for a lovely lamp on the bed side table. I wince as I sit up rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I take the chance to look around the dim room. Everything is the same as I remember it from the last time I was awake minus all of the people. There on the chair next to the bed is a pale blue dress shirt as well as slacks joined by a pair of shiny black shoes. I guess that means I'm supposed to wear them. I get up and pull the garments on as slowly as possible in order to avoid hurting my sore muscles, before rubbing a hand through my hair. I must look like a hobo, I've always had ultimate bed head. It was my legacy growing up. Everyone would wait impatiently for me to wake up just to see what crazy thing my hair was doing that morning.

Shrugging I open the door and head down the stairs following the unmistakable sound of chattering people. The hallways are a lot longer than I thought and even though I assume the sound is coming from the kitchen I'm quickly proved wrong. There's nobody in there so instead I head down another hallway searching for the source of the thunderous noise. It doesn't take long to discover that it comes from a large lounge room that has multiple couches as well as a TV and a bar. When I peek inside I see loads of people including Luce and Ange who are snuggled together talking to some man I have never seen before. Theo and Creed are standing over near the bar drinking with a couple of other men and Chip is standing next to Kello at a table piled with food looking extremely uncomfortable. There is another room to the left that's connected by a large open doorway and looking in I see at least 12 tables and a dance floor where men and woman in fancy clothing are gossiping away with glasses of wine.

I clear my throat uncomfortably before briefly debating going for the front door but Chip has already seen me and is waving vigorously. So much for another attempt at escape. Groaning I tug on the hem of my shirt and scurry into the room avoiding any and all attention.

"Hey are you feeling any better?" Chip questions as I walk up grabbing a handful of grapes.

"Are you?" I ask glancing at all the posh party goers. They all look completely full of themselves as if they're completely untouchable.

Chip scoffs an expression of sheer distaste painting his features. "I think I'm dying from all the ego flying through the air, it's repulsive."

I study the table lined with food an assortment of foods before grabbing a small finger sandwich, plopping it into my mouth and chewing. "Just try not to catch it, it's highly contagious."

"Don't I know it." He mumbles glancing over at the bar where Theo has his arm around a woman's waist. Her outfit is the classic 'little red dress' her deep black hair falling in loose curls all the way down her back. I cringe, her black heels look borderline torture device. We watch as she presses her breasts against his arm curling her French nails around his bicep. Creed is inspecting as well with a bored expression on his face as he stands on Theo's other side sipping at his own glass of wine. Theo himself seems to be enjoying the scandalous attention the girl is throwing his way. His eyes sparkle and gives her a lopsided smirk which pretty much oozes sex. She bats her lashes at him her crimson lips pursing as if she's practically begging him to throw her down right there. I glance back up at Chip who worries his bottom lip before looking down at his shoes in dejection. My new friend looks completely disparaged and I think I have a clue as to why that might be, either way I feel an overwhelming need to make him feel better. So as sneakily as I can I grab his hand and tug him closer to the bar ducking behind people as I go.

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