Final Curtain Call

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Lexa couldn't figure out why everyone laughed at her question. She had no clue how the game ended or how she got here. All that would come back from before she woke up was that they were in the top of the ninth inning and had just successfully pulled off their secret play they had been working on perfecting all year long. She looked at Clarke with utter confusion on her face trying to convey her feelings. It must have worked because the second they locked eyes Clarke's face fell.

"You don't remember?" Clarke asked and Lexa shook her head. Clarke asked her what she did remember and she answered truthfully.

"It is very common for people with concussions to not remember their accident if it is the same degree that Lexa's was." Dr. Kane assured them. Clarke, Chloe, and Beca made quick work of relaying the event to everyone else in the room.

"I stood up? After I jumped?" Lexa asked rather dumbfounded.

"Yeah, then your eyes rolled back in your head and you collapsed to the ground. It was really scary dude." Beca proclaimed. Lexa couldn't remember any of that and it honestly scared her more than she could say.

"Don't be concerned about not remembering, Lexa." Dr. Kane started in again. "It is extremely common for people to lose part of their memory with injuries like this. Most of the time people can lose hours or even the whole day itself. You have nothing to be afraid of. These things happen and you may never gain back the memory of the accident but you haven't lost anything else in the process. You will recover fully and you will be able to be exactly how you were before this." His words were reassuring and they made her feel a little lighter than she had been previously.

The doctor left not long after he gave Lexa the all clear to be released after breakfast, which was only about nine hours away. Chloe had taken up residence on the couch in the room seated next to her aunt and uncle, while Beca and Clarke never left her side. Turning onto her back was painful, more so from the fact that she was stiff from not having moved for so long than from her actual injuries, but she did it anyway. Lexa had asked where everyone was after she was comfortable again, Clarke made sure to let her know that they had all come from the game with them but only family (and those that her uncle put his foot down about) were allowed back. That was when Lexa noticed the four bags sitting on the floor by Chloe's feet. She instantly knew who was staying with her and she was more than fine with that.

She finally let herself relax back into the pillow behind her head and released a sigh, she was more than ready to get out of this bed tonight. Aunt Sheila and Uncle Rick left the girls not long after that saying that they would be back in the morning when she was getting released. Abby stopped by to check on them all about an hour after that, none of them had slept yet and it seemed as though they wouldn't be doing it any time soon. Lexa received both a hug and a kiss on the top of her head from Abby before she left the room and Lexa decided to wince as she kissed her just to mess with her. Abby gave her an unamused look but laughed nonetheless. As she watched Clarke hug her mom and tell her they would all take care of her Lexa noticed the necklace hanging around her neck. As the door to her room closed behind Abby she spun on her sister.

"You told her?" Beca was shocked and confused, she had no clue what Lexa was referring too. "The rings, you told her?" Beca glanced at Clarke and finally put the pieces together.

"No, I didn't tell her. You need to do that, I just took them off of you and since I was getting in the ambulance with you I told Clarke to keep them safe because you trust her." Beca defended.

"She didn't tell me what they were, Lex." Clarke moved back to sit in her chair on her right side, Beca had moved hers to her left side closer to Chloe. "But it wasn't that hard to figure out. Beca had told me back during your scrimmage game that you had good luck charms but that I should ask you what they were. I had figured you would tell me about them in your own time but then shit happened and now we are here. Lexa, I would never hold this against you for keeping close to you when you play. I wear this every day no matter what." She lifted her left wrist to lay across Lexa's stomach. An old worn out watch was fixed around her wrist. "It was my father's military watch. It is one of the few things that I will always keep with me no matter what happens."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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