The Aftermath

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"Now dump her."

"WHAT?!" It was a collective response. One voiced by Clarke, the rest of the pledges, Ontari, and over half of the other sisters around the room. Clarke instantly felt completely solid the only thing giving away her life was the slamming of her heart against her ribs. The whole night ran through her head at high speed and it started to blur as her eyes started to sting at the edges. Her body had become a rock, her vision blurred by both memories and tears, her mouth more than likely hanging open and as dry as the Sahara, the only thing keeping her grounded were the sounds of the sisters protesting and shouting around her.

"You can't actually do that!"

"Seriously what is wrong with you?"

"You know people have rights now right?

Once that was spoken everyone erupted again talking all at once. Clarke was finally completely numb. She couldn't hear, she couldn't see, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, and she thought she couldn't feel anything but she was wrong. Octavia had finally moved to comfort her, placing both her hands on Clarke's respective shoulders, and gently shook her. "Clarke? Clarke! Clarke, are you okay?" She came to in that moment, everything flooding her at once. She noted how each eye had turned on her, how tight Octavia's grip was, and how desperately she needed to breathe. She did. Once she had calmed down, and finally nodded at Octavia, the grip released on her shoulders. Then Nia finally spoke again.

"It's tradition. The pledge with the best date breaks up with their date." She spoke plainly with a straight face.

"You know that isn't true Nia!" Ontari was standing tall taking on her cousin's authority. "That has never been part of the tradition!"

"Well neither has allowing lesbian dates!" Nia challenged. Clarke had finally had enough, she could stand up for herself.

"Well first off, I'm not a lesbian. I'm bisexual." Octavia instantly scooted over away from Clarke. She had heard this tone before and it wasn't going to end well. "Second, you don't get to tell me who I can and can't date! I'm also pretty sure you can't kick me out of the sorority for that either because I do have rights! And lastly I would rather be with Lexa than be a Sigma any day!" The room went silent and Nia's face dropped open.

"We have never had someone do this before." One of the sisters added. "What are we supposed to do?" Everyone waited for an answer with baited breath.

"Do we kick her out?" Another voice asked.

"If you kick her out for that reason then you better kick me out too!" Niylah stood from the couch and added staring her sister down. Every eye turned to her curiously. "Nia you know, I only went out with that guy because I knew you were scared about what your precious 'sisters' would think of your LESBIAN little sister pledging!" There was another collective gasp before she continued. "You willingly let in someone who you knew dated girls but saved you the embarrassment of your friends finding out. I wish I had enough courage to do what Clarke did! You and Ontari have known I was gay for almost three years now! If you are going to kick Clarke out because she had the best date I have ever seen and it just so happened to be with a girl then I'm out too!"

"Me too!" Octavia stood from her position on the couch next to Clarke, closely followed by Monroe and Harper.

"And how will that look for you Nia?" Ontari started at her cousin again. "Your legacy as president will end without a pledge class! There is nothing in the charter against same sex dates! You can't keep people from loving who they want! If you want to kick them all out then I will follow too because I don't want to be a part of something that discriminates people based on their sexual orientation, or their religion, their race, or where they come from! That is not what this sorority is or has ever been about!" More of the sisters were now backing Ontari and Nia was greatly out numbered. Clarke was honestly in shock of how many people were actually on her side of things right now, she had never seen this happen before.

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