The Honeymoon Phase

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Beca was basically vibrating with excitement! She had honest to goodness never felt this way, which should scare her right? Well it didn't, because it was Chloe, and Chloe was blatantly honest about everything. Well everything except their relationship...relationship...she could actually use that word now! Chloe fucking Beale was her girlfriend! God she just wanted to scream it from the roof tops, no- chill Beca- you can handle this. It's cool, everything was cool, the most gorgeous, talented, honest, kind, (did she mention drop dead gorgeous) and caring girl was now hers. They were each other's. Okay screw trying not to smile at this point, she could control everything else her body wanted to do right now but just thinking about Chloe made her smile so there was no reason to not smile.

They had broken up their make out session when they heard voices coming around the corner. Beca distantly heard an Australian accent, 'I told you already you're not really a panty dropper!' Followed by a male voice that had way too much confidence for someone trying to get with Fat Amy (at least in Beca's opinion), 'I just figured you would want a shoulder to cry on after you watched us be absolutely unstoppable!' Beca had pulled Chloe around the last side of the building before the pair broke into their view. The new couple had debated over walking each other home, 'You can't walk all the way back to the Bellas' house by yourself after going with me it's not safe!' 'And that's the reason I can't let you do it either!' Eventually they settled on splitting ways at that point and texting when they got back to their respective beds.

Beca was greeted by the most promising sight she had ever witnessed when she opened her dorm room door. Lexa was dancing between their beds with her back to the door. The distinct sounds of Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship were playing from the speaker on Lexa's desk (because she knew better than to touch Beca's when she wasn't present). Beca took the one chance she was given and ran with it. "I will hold this over you forever!" She basically screamed the first few words finally making Lexa jump the way her sister always made her do by barging in the room. Beca instantly doubled over with laughter at the shock and red tint creeping up Lexa's face. The music died instantly as Beca caught her breath, "I see why you do this now, your face! It was so priceless!" Laughter rocked her body as did her sister's hand smacking her arm.

"Laugh while you can Bex, karma is a bitch and you are lucky I'm on too good of a high for you to bring me down by getting me once." Lexa teased as she started toward her closet appearing to be changing for bed. Beca noticed how light she looked, she steps seemed to float across the floor and her face was way overly happy at the moment. Something was up.

"Okay, why do you look like they started selling all you can eat tacos at Taco Bell?" Because honestly that was really a thing that neither girl in that room would be sad to have happen, and as Lexa pulled her tank top down finishing changing she turned back to face her, still with at stupid grin on her face.

"Something awesome may have happened after Clarke and I left the pool." Beca could have gone blind with how radiant Lexa's smile was. Beca waited a beat for her to continue and when she didn't she got frustrated but knew her sister would open up with just a little bit of torture.

"Something awesome may have happened to me after you left as well!" Beca had gone to change as well, her coat was still way too hot (even if Chloe had opened it to slide her arms around her waist). Chloe, she was constantly on her mind now, okay so she had been since they first hung out- went out- whatever you want to call it. That dopey smirk was back on her face as she thought about the way Chloe had backed her against the wall, how her fingers threaded through the tiny hairs at the base of her skull, her sad excuse for opening her coat 'I'm cold', 'Bullshit, you just want to see me naked...again!', how low her giggle became after Beca said that to her, and then there was that image again. The image that had been burned on the inside of her eyelids since the first month of school.

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