Can't Say You Didn't Try

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Chloe woke up the next morning expecting to have a massive headache, she never really got hangovers but her head would hurt for a few hours, yet this morning she felt nothing. She couldn't put her finger on the reason that it wouldn't be happening. Then she realized how bad she needed to use the bathroom. A picture of Beca popped into her head, specifically Beca holding a water bottle out for her to take. She smiled with the memory of the action. Then she saw a picture of Beca sitting with Jesse, happy smile was gone. She pushed the thought aside with the covers off of her bed and got up to prepare for the day. It was the first Bellas practice and she knew Aubrey would be micromanaging everything already.

Chloe waited for Beca outside the rehearsal room, which was basically an old expo center the school didn't use anymore, later that day. She expected Beca to be the last to arrive, well minus Kori because as Aubrey so liked to put it "she was treble-boned" and kicked out of the group. Chloe tried her best to keep Bree from doing so but she couldn't stop her. Bree had her reservations about Mary Elise having done the same as well. Chloe spotted Beca across the last section of the Quad and ran toward her. She was excited, to say the least, to see this particular Bella. Chloe wanted to thank her and make sure she really made a promise to take Chloe out (weather it was a real date or not). "Hey Bec! I just wanted to say thank you for all the water you made me drink last night." Chloe of course hugged her when she said her thank you. She could feel Beca stiffen under her and literally freeze in place but Chloe didn't loosen her grip until it became a weird length of time for them to be standing like that.

"'re welcome...I guess." Beca moved away from Chloe and headed toward the rehearsal space. "I can see that it kept you from getting hungover after drinking a bottle of Boone's Farm and one of vodka."

"Oh I don't get hangovers. I don't know why I just never have." Chloe was so excited to be near Beca she was skipping alongside of her.

"Of course you don't!" Beca laughed, Chloe basked in it. Filled with a new found confidence from Beca's laugh Chloe grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way. They looked around at some of the old Bellas pictures they had brought from the house and waited for everyone to arrive. Aubrey began practice once they did.

Practice went well in Chloe's mind...minus Mary Elise being kicked out at the beginning for again being treble-boned. There was also the part when she and Bree had to explain what happened at the Nationals last year. Plus Aubrey's constant bickering with Beca who was asking relevant questions. Everything almost ended on a high note when they discussed the SBT mixer next week, then they tried the traditional Bellas...well it wasn't really a handshake...I guess you could call it a chant, and all hell broke loose again. Thankfully Bree just saved that mess for next practice. Chloe was trying to hurry and finish up stacking chairs to try and catch Beca before she was gone when she heard Aubrey asking to speak with Beca.

Chloe made it to "ear monstrosities" before giving up on not eavesdropping. Beca was right in the fact that Bree didn't like her and Chloe wasn't sure if it really was for her attitude or the fact that she was all Chloe could think or talk about recently. When she folded up the last chair she heard the last thing she ever expected from Aubrey. "I know you have a 'toner' for Jesse." Aubrey's tone was nothing but accusatory. Chloe's heart sank. Did Beca like Jesse as more than a friend like she let off last night? She had toned out the explanation of a toner with her own thoughts.

"Yeah that's not really a thing, and if it was Jesse is definitely not who I would have one for. Besides you're not the boss of me." Beca was just digging herself a deeper...wait...if not Jesse then who would she have a toner for?

"You took an oath!"

"That oath cost you two girls already...TODAY! I'm pretty sure you need me more than I need you!"

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