Let the Classes Begin

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Chloe hated the Bellas' house these days. It was a drastic change having only her and Aubrey staying there since they were the only upperclassmen left in the group. She missed getting up in the mornings to hear someone singing in the shower, girls rushing to not miss a lecture, she especially missed making a big breakfast for everyone before they left for classes. She didn't even feel like making food for herself anymore so she just ate cereal and waited for Aubrey to come down stairs. Her phone had been going off a lot this morning with texts from Tom. She didn't know what to tell him about not technically wanting to be with him anymore. There was nothing wrong with Tom he was a great guy and he cared, but they didn't have that much in common anymore. She sighed and picked up her phone yet again as it beeped with his name on the notification.

"Tom feeling neglected?" Chloe jumped as Aubrey spoke from behind her.

"What? I'm not neglecting him," Chloe hated lying. "I just don't know what to say to him right now."

"Why not try the truth Chlo." Why did Aubrey always have to be right.

"I don't even know what that is right now. I still like Tom and part of me does still want to be with him but it's like something is missing." Chloe saw blue eyes in the back of her mind and felt a pang of longing.

"This better not have anything to do with that alt-girl from the activities fair Chlo." Aubrey was staring her down from the other side of the island. Chloe began to panic.

"What? I have no clue what you are talking about." Play dumb that should work right? Wrong.

"I can see it on your face, I saw it then too but I was hoping it was just to get her to audition."

"Fine Bree, yes okay? I can't get her out of my head and we don't even know each other's names." Chloe felt better after letting it out but she still wished she had at least gotten a name. Aubrey didn't pester any further on the girl and Chloe was glad. She looked down at her cereal and noticed she hadn't really eat more than a couple bites. She cleaned up her bowl and grabbed her things before throwing a wave at Aubrey and heading out to class. She threw her headphones in and started her favorite playlist for when she didn't know what she was feeling. Music helped keep her mind focused and off of other things (like girls with brown hair and piercing blue eyes). She absent mindedly started singing along with a Christina Aguilera song and gained a hop in her step. After she hit one of the higher notes she felt a pain in her throat and rubbed it slightly. She made a mental note to just sing a little softer from now on.


Clarke didn't know how she felt about today. She was ready to start college, she was even ready to start her pre-med classes. What she wasn't ready for was not having a single class with either of her best friends. They had made plans to have lunch between lectures and try to hang out in the evenings but Octavia had lacrosse practice late and Raven could work forever if she didn't watch the clock. Clarke had learned early in their friendship to not be surprised if either girl was late or didn't show up at all. Clarke got up early that morning, no thanks to the annoying phone call she got from her mom, and decided to get coffee before her first class started.

Even with the line being as long as it was at the shop she was still early to her class. Early enough that there were still students in the hall waiting on the professor. She waited with the rest outside the door SnapChatting with Raven and Octavia who had teachers straight out of a horror story it seemed. Eventually the professor showed and everyone stood to head into class. Clarke went to put her phone in her bag as she went through the door only to run into someone. "Sorry."

"It's okay. We should really stop meeting like this though." Clarke snapped her head up so fast she thought she would get whip lash. She saw the green eyes and smirk that filled her dreams the night before.

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