Practice Makes Perfect

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It was finally time for Lexa to start softball practices. They had been forewarned to start conditioning a month ago as they would be thrown right into an intense practice schedule. Lexa was currently headed into the campus Auxiliary Sports Center that was reserved for baseball, softball, wrestling, gymnastics, and all three rugby teams (male, female, and co-ed). She had gotten to see Clarke earlier today but only for a few short minutes again while her blonde bombshell was having her usual lunch date with Stacie. It bothered Lexa at first that Clarke had been spending so much time with the overly sexual confident Bella but Stacie, Chloe, and Beca had assured her that Stacie wasn't the "homewrecker" type. Lexa was glad Clarke had found Stacie because she needed someone on her level to study and work with.

Lexa's mind was clouded over with thoughts of Clarke that she practically face planted the door to her new locker room. She desperately needed to get her head in the game right now. Softball was her thing! She had been waiting of this day since she finally received her trophies from lacrosse. Yes in more than one. Lexa had not only secured her team the championship before her injury but directly after the game they had announced her as this year's MVP. Anya had been the one to give her the small trophy that was a brass lacrosse net with a brand new, real ball sitting in it with her name, MVP, Barden Knights, and the year written on it. Before taking it home she had had the rest of her team sign the ball from her first year, it was now sitting proudly on her shelf above her bed in her dorm room.

She took a calming breath and pushed the door open. They had been given their locker assignments when they were told to start conditioning. Their weight room was in this building as well so it only made sense. She made her way over and flung her new softball bag onto the bench before her locker. Spinning the correct combination to the lock, she started to change into her practice gear. As she pulled her t-shirt off over her head leaving her in her sports bra she heard a voice come from down the row from her.

"Damn, I thought after all this time those bruises would have been gone." Lexa looked to her right a little confused because she had no clue there was another person there. Am I really that unfocused right now? You are doing it again Woods! HEAD IN THE GAME! The girl down the row was slightly larger than Lexa but not by much and still just as ripped, she could tell because they were very much in the same state of dress, though the girl had already out her practice pants on. Lexa took just long enough to take in her major features. Her hair was darker brown than Beca's and much thicker, she currently had it pulled up into a ponytail that was stick straight. Due to the distance she couldn't tell if her eyes were brown or hazel but they were defiantly darker than her own. After her initial interest had been curved she answered.

"Yeah, the doctor said they will take longer to heal than normal because of how deep the injury was. I can't really feel them though." Lexa thought about it for only a moment before slightly freaking out. "Wait how the hell did you know I had them and for how long?" The girl chuckled.

"Wait you didn't know I was your personal stalker? I'm kidding I swear!" The girl smiled again and Lexa felt herself relax as she began to change her lower half. "No I took it upon myself to know who else signed to play on the same team as me this year so I knew your name and everyone was talking about how you were basically leading the lacrosse team to victory. My curiosity got the better of me and I went to your last game. I really hope someone somewhere gives that Reaper girl what she deserves for that cheap shot she took on you." The girl pulled her practice t-shirt over her head with her back toward Lexa. Richards #13. "I'm Samantha by the way. Samantha Richards, but please call me Samm. With two M's."

"Lexa but I have a feeling you knew that...oh wait you are my stalker I almost forgot!" Lexa liked this girl, she was funny and easy to talk to. She understood her checking to see who all had signed to play this year and wondered why she hadn't done it herself. Samm sat down and started putting on her cleats once Lexa had pulled her shirt on as well. "What position do you play?"

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