Don't cuss him out Mya, don't cuss him oooooout! His attitude sucks. Like what the fuck are you even mad for?!

Can somebody please explain to me what the hell his problem is?! I'm really lost

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Can somebody please explain to me what the hell his problem is?! I'm really lost. Is it still this LA bullshit?

Sighing I locked my phone and got up off my bed. I had my mom come get Landon just for tonight so that I can fix things with his dad. She was here before I could blink. You'd think he was her first grandchild the way she's acting.

Heading upstairs I went and got dressed. I needed to make a few runs for later on. Once I got out the shower I slipped on Chris's hoodie and my black biker shorts. I took one of his caps and grabbed some glasses. We haven't been on a date in a while so I decided to make everything really romantic.

We need this...really bad. With all the drama that just happened and Landon being born, we just need a minute to ourselves to just sit and talk.

It took me a few hours to grab what I needed then I headed home to get myself together. I sat at my vanity did my make up, while Drakes, Take Care album played lowly in the background. Looking down at the time it was nearing 8. Still nothing from Chris since earlier.

Sighing, I went to my call log and pressed his number. It rung three times then went to voicemail. I called again and got the same thing. He's annoying, what if it was an emergency?

Exiting out of his contacts, I went to my moms number and called her. It rung twice before she answered.

"Landon is not coming back so don't ask." She said causing me to laugh.

"Even though I do miss my baby, I wasn't calling for you to bring him back. I need some motherly advice."

"Oh okay....what's up?"

"So a couple days ago Chris and I got into a disagreement about California."

"What about it?"

"He wants me to move back but that's not happening."

"And why not?"

"You saw all of the bad stuff that happened to me while I was there. It's like I have bad luck or something when I'm in Cali. I don't have time for any of the bull crap that's waiting for me if I go back."

"Mya didn't you just get into a big fight a club here?"

I rolled my eyes already knowing what she was about to say. "Yeah."

"It's bullshit everywhere you go. Avoiding some type of mess is sometimes inevitable unless you watch the moves you make and who you make them with. Life is what you make it Mya."

"But it's like even when I tried to avoid drama it still came my way."

"Okay but did you have to react to the drama that was brought to you? Some things could've been avoided. Every action doesn't need a reaction. Now I'm not talking about the situation with Chris cheating but everything else didn't have to happen. I know you are sensitive to a lot of things like your skin tone, the chick deserved the slap and if it was me, I probably would've did the same thing but sometimes we have to walk away and with your sister, you knew she wanted you to snap. You fed right into her bullshit. Getting super angry over things is giving some one too much power Mya. When they saw you pressed and bothered that means they've won. You don't give anyone that type of power."

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