Chapter 20//No More Girlfriends!!!

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"I hope you know, that you helping me, got me a girlfriend." I truthfully state.

He stops dead in his tracks, staring me dead in the eyes, "You what?"

"I got a girlfriend. I finally got a girlfriend."

He smiles, "I'm proud of you bro, but I'm never doing that again."

I nod.

He always has my back.
A/N: this chapter is gonna go in a different direction. It's gonna be stories Max, and Brent tell that are flashbacks of their past. I hope you enjoy it.

Brent's POV

"So how did this fight between you two ever start?"

There was Max, sitting on the other side of the glass table, with my Peter in front of us.

"Well he came between my girlfriend and I just to complain about his day at school." I explain.

"You know that's not how it went down!" He yells across the table.

"Ok boys, calm down. Now Brent, tell me your side of the story." Peter commands, but on his low, calm voice.

"It's all started this afternoon..."


Brent's POV

Crystal and I decided to have a little make out session. We were sitting on my bed, mouth to mouth. Her lips taste like bubble gum. I pull her closer to me, deeping the kiss. I wrap my hands around her waist, exploring a little bit. I love Crystal so much.

"Yo Brent...woah!"

I look over to see Max standing in the doorframe, looking away.

...of course he has to barge in.

I pull Crystal into my chest, hiding her face from Max's.

"Max, for the thousandth time, knock before you enter my room."

"Huh, whatever Brent." he scoffs.

Crystal buries her face more into my chest.

"What do you want Max?" I ask out of annoyance.

"Well, I came in here to ask if I can bother a shirt. You see...blah...blah...blah...blah..."

That's all I heard afterwards; blah...blah...blah.

He wouldn't shut up. Do you think he has a mute button, because if he does, I'm sure as hell gonna find it.


(Brent's POV)

"You see Peter, your son doesn't shut up." I announce.

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