Chapter 23// cHrIsTmAs SpEcIaL

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This chapter was originally a Halloween special, but I missed it. Enjoy a Christmas special 🥴
Italics—Brent's past thoughts

Brent's POV

Peter invited his  family over today. To say I'm nervous will be an understatement. I'm incredibly scared.

From the stories Max have told me, his family is not that much different then ours, meaning that they have a strict father, loving mother, and two siblings that argue 24/7. What a great way to spend the holidays. With your families doppelgängers!

Another year without my dad... another Christmas without my dad!

"Sweetie you in there?"

The sound of my mother's voice always calms me down, "yea mom. Come in."

The sight of her wide smile brings a smile upon my face.

She sits at the front of my bed, at the top of my feet, "Sweetie, Max said you were locked in your room in all morning and afternoon. What's wrong? Talk to your momma bear."

Momma bear.

The words that brought childhood memories flooding through my mind. My dad.

"Nothings wrong, I'm fine," the look on her faces clearly shows that she's unconvinced, "really. I'm fine."

A hand touches my leg and I look up not knowing how to respond.

"Brent, honey, please don't lie to me." She begs

Her voice cracks. The same way it did when she gave her speech during my dads funeral.

"It's just, it's our second Christmas without dad. I feel like we've replaced him to easily."

Her eyes soften. You can see the tears wanting to come up, but you can also see her force them down.

Those eyes, the last time I saw her cry was during my dads funeral.

"Oh honey," she leans in so our foreheads are touching, "you know that no matter how fast we move on, no matter how many celebrations we do without him, he'll always be here," she points to my head. Memories. "Here," she points to my mouth. Stories of him, "and here." She points to my chest. My heart.

Oh mom.

I can't stop the tears that have escaped my eyes. I burry my face into her neck wrapping my arms around her waist, "I love you so much mom."

She tightens her hold, "I will always love you honey."

We sit like this for a little while until a firm body rushed through my foot.

"Brent I can to achieve you and-"

Of course it was Max.

Sensing the emotional silence between us and the tears falling down our cheeks, Max attempts to lighten the mood, "Brent! What have you done with Brenda?!"

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