Chapter 4// Good Gone Bad

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**picture of their house...above👆🏻

When Peter kneeled in front of me I couldn't help it but let the tears be free

"Brenda, will you marry me?"

For a second there, I thought about my husband. I really love Peter, and I want to my life with him, but I still miss my husband. Maybe marrying Peter will be good for me, and good for Brent. He finally gets a sibling.

"YES! YES!" I attacked him with kisses, not able to hold it in much longer.

Brent's POV

I can't believe Peter asked my mom to marry him. I don't want Max as a brother. I wouldn't live with myself. Imagine coming home everyday to see Max' face in your house. Why me. Why did it have to be me.

Plus, the thought of my mom marrying a new guy, when she promised me she wouldn't marry after my dad died. Maybe this will good for her. I'm happy for her.

Max's POV

I don't want a brother. I don't mind Brenda but way.

I'm not ready for a new family.

Brent's POV

Great news guys. Max is enrolling  into my high school next week. I repeat MY high school. Can this get any worse. Or yea it can. Max's dad is marrying my mom. Yay me!!

"Brent! Wake up!" Max yells right in my ear.

...Wait...That wasn't a dream?

"Brent!" He keeps on yelling.

"Get out Max." I mumble into my pillow.

"Why?" He acts all hurt.

...such a drama queen

"Cause you're not welcomed, especially not in my room." I got out of bed, preparing myself for lies ahead of me.

"Oh really." He challenged, pushing me back onto my bed.

I try to push back, but he ends up pinning me on my bed. 

"Weakling." He stated, tightening his grip around my wrist.

"Max! Get off of me." I tried to fight back.

"Make me."

"Peter!" I yell, but then Max covers my month.

A million yells later, and Peter walks saviour.

"What is going on!" He yells at both of us, "Max! Get off of Brent!"

Max got off and we stood beside each other in front of Peter.

"You too better learn to get along cause you guys are now step brothers..." He tried using his   'dad' voice, but it wasn't working, "...if I hear you argue again, you are both grounded."

"Yes sir." We both said.

When he left Max looked at me, a smirk glued on to his face.

"Get out." I coldly spit out.

"Whatever you say baby bro. See you at school."

...oh boy, I'm in for a treat.


I walked through the school doors and see Max and his friends standing at their lockers smirking at me.

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