Chapter 1// Restart Button

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Brent's POV

I'm lying in my bed thinking "How could this happen. Why did we move?"

Let me introduce myself: I'm Brent; Brent Wilson. If you didn't know yet, my mom and I moved to England because she got a better job that pays more money. I think we're fine on money, but she says we need a little more. I'm currently in bed because I don't want to get up. As you can tell I'm NOT a morning person.

My thoughts are interrupted by my mom barging into my bed, "Brent wake up."

"Mom just 5 more minutes." I mumbled into my covers.

"Sweetie, come on. It's your first day at your new high school." My mom announced, pulling the covers off of my head.

I swear, she's more excited then me.

"Mom, let me be a teenager. I pulled the covers back over my head.

"Honey, you can be a teen after school." She said pulling the covers off of my again.

"Ugh! Leave my room!" I said getting frustrated while sitting up in my bed.

"Well, I was going to let you stay home but with that smart comment, I changed my mind."
She said brightly, leaving my room.

She's a smart women.

I got out of bed—defeatedly—and went to my closet. I picked out the perfect outfit; black jeans with a white top and a red plaid sweater over it. I make my way towards my bathroom and clean myself up. I at least want to smell good...then I hear my mom call for me.

Brenda's POV

"Brent! Breakfast is ready!" I yell to him from the bottom of the steps hoping he'd hear me.

"Coming!" He said.

Thank god he heard me...I don't feel like dragging him down here.

Not seconds later I see him running down the stairs. One of these days he's going to fall.


"Yea, sure." He replied with that same sass from this morning...I'll take that as a 'yes.'

"Ok good..." I'm so excited for him. This school is gonna be good, I read some excellent reviews of it from online. Plus, he gets to escape the house for a while, "...hurry up cause you're going to miss the bus."


He better not be getting one with me. I looked out window—forgetting what he said—and saw the bus pull up.

"Brent, hurry up! The bus is here!" I said pushing him out of the house.

"Bye mom." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye love." And within seconds he was out of my site.

Brent's POV

I take my last step off of the school, new me...right?

I went straight to the office to collect my schedule and to receive my locker number.

"Hi, I'm Brent Wilson." I introduce myself to the secretary waiting upon my arrival at her desk.

"Hi sweetie, my name's Mrs. Humblebug. Nice to meet you. Are you the new student?" She asked while a smile sewed onto her face.

"Yup. They said on the phone that you'll have my schedule and locker number ready for me?" I asked hoping she has it with her.

"Yes, here you go." She printed it up and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I grabbed it from her, making my way out of the office.

I'm kind of bummed out that there was no cute girl to give me tour; like in the movies, but that's ok...I guess?

So, my locker number is 2766 and right now I'm in the 1000...wish me luck.

Ring Ring

Oh god I'm late, great job Brent. Make yourself look bad on the first day.

I abandon my locker and went straight to class. I can always find it later.

"Dylan, take your seat or else you'll have a date with detention after school!"

I hear a nasty old voice scream from down the hall. I believe that's my class.

I approach the door...noticing it was left open. I knocked twice. Resulting into everyone's
eyes—including the teacher's—facing me.

"You're late." His cold glare was staring into my soul.

"Sorry. I'm new here and I couldn't find my locker."

"Well, just because you're new here, doesn't give you an excuse to be late, and it doesn't give me an excuse to treat you anyway different. Detention after school Mr...." he stated, waiting for me to answer.

"Wilson. Brent Wilson."

"Detention after school Mr. Wilson. Now take a seat, you're disrupting my class." He replied. His cold hard glare never leaving my eyes.

Every heard of mercy sir?

I took a seat at the front. Unfortunately, it was the only seat available. The person I'm sitting beside—Dylan if I correct—gives me the nastiest smirk he could ever give.

That's the day that me and this so-called Dylan guy, met

A/N: this is my new book, as you can tell. My other book I'm definitely going to end. I'm editing all my chapter.

Hope you guys like it, please no hate.


Word count: 854
Edited: 08/04/19

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