Chapter 12// Little Bit of Fun Can't Hurt

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"Enough! You boys have been fighting since the time we boarded the plane. If you two fight again, I swear you'll both be grounded for the whole vacation." Dad said, clearly enough of our fight, "oh and Max. Give him his bed back." He said, before him and mom leave the room.

I sign and get off his bed, "You're such a baby." I stated again, nudging him.

He rolled his eyes and flopped on top of his bed-slowly after closing his eyes.

A while two weeks of him

Max's POV

"Max! Max!"

I shot up from bed and I come face to face with Brent.

"Get out." I demanded, slapping him away.

"We share a room." A smirk appears on his face.

"Wake up." Was all he said before he exited the room.

I groan knowing that he's right—it kills me to admit that.

I get up, go to bathroom, freshen up and head downstairs.

"Good morning mom and dad." I tiredly greet them.

"Good morning son." My dad greets back.

"Good morning sweetheart." Brenda said with the softest voice.

I took a seat at the table while Brenda put eggs, bacon, and toast on my plate.

"You look tired." She stated.

"That's because I am. Brent kept me up all night with his snoring." I responded back, glaring at Brent.

His mouth dropped, starting to glare at me as well.

"I don't snore." He argued back.

"Yes you do." I fought him. 

"No I don't. Plus you snore as well." He simply said.

"No I don't."

"Everyone snores." He stated.

"Yea well I don't." I shot back. I don't know what he's saying, I really don't snore.

"Boys." Dad calmly warns.

"Mom, doesn't every boy snore?" Brent asks.

"Boys." Dad warns again, a little bit louder this time.

"Brenda, tell him I'm right." I protest.


We both whip our heads toward him.

"I don't want any arguing. So help me god if you guys continue to argue, you'll be grounded until you both have your own kids." He coldly threatens.

We nod our heads in fear.

"Good, now go get changed, we're all going to the beach." He ended the conversation at that.

Peter's POV

With all the stress and arguing that's been going on lately, Brenda and I thought it'll be a good idea to take the boys to the beach, to wind them down.

Brenda and I both got packed and ready for this event early this morning. She packed some snacks and water and I packed the towels and chairs.

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