Chapter 10// Today Of All Days

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We entered his room. Once we did, he pushed me on his bed, wanting the truth about what I think "Spill. What do you actually think?"

"Well your mom is the sweetest person I've ever met, and your step-father is an unreadable man." I explained to him, trying to gather my words.

He just laughed. We stared at each other, trying to read our expressions. When he came to me and kissed me.

"I love you." He said, and continued to kiss.

"I love you too." I said and broke out a smile.

I really do love him.

——At School——

Crystal's POV

"What!" I yelled at the news that Brent just shared with me.

"Baby, please calm down?" He asked calmly.

"How can I calm down when you're leaving me for a whole two weeks." I explained

"It'll be fine. We'll be fine." He said, giving me a hug; still, trying to calm me down.

I signed, "When are you leaving?" I asked.

"This weekend." He said.

"We only have two days left together." I explained, getting sad again.

"Babe, like I said, we'll be fine." He said.

"I know, but I'll miss you." I said looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

His chuckle brought a smile to my face, which was soon later replaced by a kiss.

"I love you." I told him.

"Love you too." He responded.

Ring ring

Our kiss got disconnected by the bell.

We look at each other, said our goodbyes and headed to class; knowing we'll see each other at lunch.

Brent's POV

Crystal and I say goodbye with a kiss, then we go to class.

I'm heading to English, when I see Dylan and his gang gathered at the lockers.

I just rolled my eyes and continue walking; hoping they won't start a fight.

"Hey Barbie." Dylan said form behind me.

His gang laughed.

"It's Brent, Dylan. Not that hard." I said annoyed of his bullshit.

"Woah! What's with the attitude, Barbie." Tyler; Dylan's best friend said.

They started calling me Barbie after that beat down they did to me the other day. They said I acted like a girl and that gives them a good reason to call me Barbie. Which is stupid to me.

"Are you gonna keep hiding behind your boys Dylan?" I asked, fed up with their games.

"Excuse me?" He said from behind Tyler.

"You heard me." I said, trying to act tough, "You're the one that's acting like a girl right now." I explained, which I wish I took back.

"That's it. First you steal my girlfriend, then they make fun of me, in front of my boys." He said, getting ready to punch me.

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