Scars- MurielxReader (Oneshot)

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***Trigger Warning! The reader was abused by Lucio in the past*****

It had been a long and exhausting day at the shop without Asra, he was on another trip again and it's been weeks. I've asked him many a time to stay and run the shop since it was his business and he knows I do not enjoy crowds, but alas he is a wandering spirit and I, a socially awkward apprentice who must do as her master commands. I had finally flipped the sign and blown out the candle in the window signifying that the shop was closed when I suddenly had the urge to look into my cup of tea.

Slowly ripples spread from the middle of the cup and an image appeared. This is not the first time that Asra has contacted me through water, but it was the first time in such a small body of water. "(y/n)! I'm glad I caught you! I have an important favor to ask of you." behind him Faust pokes her small head out from his jacket. "Yes Asra?" I simply can't help but smile at this image. Faust being her adorable self. Her scales are composed of gorgeous hues of lavender, blue, and white. She was the beautiful familiar of my master Asra. Asra was a strikingly beautiful man with a slim build and golden-colored skin. His eyes were the color of amethyst shining in the light, his hair was as white as the first snow of winter. "I meant to take an order to Muriel before I left. It's behind the counter, would you mind taking it to him? You can keep the shop closed all of tomorrow as a thank you! Okay BYE!" Suddenly the image disappears as my face turned red. I was not sure if it was from the anger of him cutting the conversation so short or the impending thought of being alone with the handsome hermit, but I know I have to do it.

I grabbed the bag and donned my cloak as I made my way to the lone hut in the middle of the Vesuvian forests, and thoughts clouded my mind. It sadly was no secret that I adored that strong shy man, and Asra loved to make us interact. I wasn't sure, however, if it was for the fun of seeing two shy people trying to interact or if it was his way of trying to help me out. I struggled with being around people, and I was terrified of accidentally insulting someone or being rude. At the mere thought of my past, my back started aching. I could feel the smooth cloth of my shirt rub against a scar from my previous master, though not of the magical arts. I had once been a slave to Count Lucio, and every mistake ended in the lashing of a whip or sharp golden claws scraping my back. I was his personal slave and magician as Portia is the Countess' personal helper. He tended to take anger out on me and order me to do terrible things. The one perk working for him was getting to take care of his animals. I miss those beautiful white hounds and his snow-white bird.

Unfortunately, as my mind was occupied by other thoughts I mistakenly tripped over a rock, I quickly stood up and made sure nothing in the bag for Muriel had broken or fallen out. I sighed happily as I made sure nothing had been misplaced and continued on through the beautiful forest yet I had a small limp. My ankle started to hurt after the fall, but it was nothing new. Many would think a magician such as myself would be graceful and precise, unfortunately, I was a clumsy mess and tended to fall a lot. My thoughts, however, were interrupted when I noticed smoke rising from the small cottage built around the roots of a great tree, the clucking of chickens made me smile as the pain slowly faded while I mumbled an incantation to heal my leg. Muriel no matter how big and strong he appeared to be was so gentle with the small chicks. I quickly made my way to the front door, it was slightly crooked but it had a very homey feel. The protection charm cast upon it was the strongest I had ever sensed, I hope that one day Muriel would be able to teach me how he made those charms so strong as my fist gently knocked on the door.

The door quickly swung open and I was suddenly knocked to the ground by a strong force as a tongue started to lick up and down my face. I could not contain my laughter as I felt Inanna kiss me excitedly. Inanna Is the beautiful wolf that keeps Muriel company. Her fur is as black as the sky on a moonless night, her eyes seem to glow with the knowledge and protectiveness only a mother could understand. Suddenly the exciting moment was cut short by a deep voice calling her name. She stopped and turned back around to face the source of the voice.

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