chapter twelve

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 I was looking at myself in the mirror, I had changed so much in the past years than I ever had in my life. I had gotten rid of my beautiful red tips and had looked like the same person I was before I met jay.

" Are you ready to become Sultan?" I asked. " Yes, and are you ready to be the first Sultana to ever reign?" He answered. " I was born ready," I answered holding the staff. " Do you think people will notice the baby bump?" Jay asked. " I'm only about a month in so it doesn't really show, so I will be fine," I answered. " I just want the baby to be okay you know we are being risky by having it." He answered. " I'm fine, I made sure there are no side effects to the spells," I commented. " Just promise me you will be careful?" He asked. " I promise my beloved husband," I said kissing his forehead.

Jay and I walked down to the throne room and looked at all the people there just for us. Everything since our wedding has been great, I finally gave Jay and me the gift we have always wanted a child. Jay has been very protective of it since the doctors told us we couldn't have one, but I'm just waiting for the little one to come and see us. Kato would be the one walking with us since Elaheh had a litter of cubs the month before, one of their cubs would be the future pet of my child. The trumpet roared and we walked out as one, I would be the sword and Jay would be the shield.

" Now I have said this many times now, but Niesha will you swear to me that you uphold the laws and protect this kingdom till your last breath?" My father questioned. " I promise to uphold every value of the kingdom!" I announced. " Jay, Do you promise to help rule by your wife's side and hold the laws of this kingdom with the highest of values?" Father asked. " I will till my last breath," Jay said. " Now I place these crowns on your heads, these are like your people always keep them in your mind," Father said. " We promise to keep the people always on our minds." We said. " With great honor, I now present to you Sultana Niesha and Sultan Jay of Agrabah!" My father announced.

Jay and I turned around looking at all the excited people, I finally became the woman I wanted to be. I have been waiting for years for this moment, my father gave me Jafar's staff and I shot indoor fireworks for the celebration. While we walked out Jay and I were taken to another room to have our portrait painted.

" So how do you feel Sultana?" Jay asked. " I finally have everything in life is complete," I answered. " Almost done," the painter said. " So I thought of a name for the baby," I said. "What?" Jay asked. " If he is a boy I would like to name him after my Grandfather, Cassim," I answered. " That's a perfect name for this little prince," Jay said. " If he is a prince," I answered.

--- Fours years later---

" Cassim and Ashaski, stop running your mother needs some peace," Jay answered. " But daddy!" The kids yelled. " Jay, they are just kids let them have fun while their mother is doing her duties," Melody said. " Niesha is doing way too much the twins should be coming anytime soon," Jay said. " Hey, I'm pregnant here too, I know she is stressing as well as I am," Melody said. " Guess who's back!" Willow yelled. " Auntie willow!" All the kids screamed. " Stop, she is my mom!" Jacy answered. " Jacy, you can share mommy and daddy," Willow said.

Jacy didn't really like the idea that everyone liked his mother, but he already had to share her with his new little sister Dakota. Aziz came later with Phillp and Zara in hand, Suddenly a two guards came rushing towards Jay.

" Your majesty, the Sultana is giving birth." the guard said. " She is a month early," Melody said. " Can you guys watch the kids while I go to the Nurse's wing?" Jay asked. " Yes, just go!" Willow yelled. " Thanks, I'm gonna be a dad again!" Jay yelled running through the halls.

Jay was running with the guards to get to Nurse's wing so he wouldn't miss the birth of his two new children. He kicked up the door to see Niesha on one of the bed trying to hold it all together, he got to her side and told her everything would be okay. The doctor told her it was time to push, Niesha did with all her strength. Niesha was so happy but scared that she was having twins, she just hoped they will be healthy.

" It's a girl," The doctor answered as she could he the child scream. " Is she ok?" Niesha asked. " She is perfectly fine." The doctor said. " Now just try to get the other out," Jay said. " You try doing this," Niesha said. "I still find you beautiful at least," he said. " Not helping," Niesha said trying to push. " It's a boy," The doctor said. " Why isn't he screaming?" Niesha asked. " The nurse will look at them right away." The doctor answered. " Let me have my son," Jay said. " Sir, let the nurse take a look." The doctor said. " As your Sultana let me see my son!" Niesha screamed.

Knowing Niesha's rage they started to listen to her and gave her son back. Niesha held him in her arms and just soothed him. Eventually, he started to cry and it made Niesha cry as well, After a few hours Niesha and Jay were both holding their newborns. Everyone came in at this point and were so excited but the children have not opened their eyes yet.

" So what are you gonna name them?" Melody asked. " This is the first time I haven't thought of any names yet," Niesha said. " Jay, may I hold one?" Aziz asked. " Sure, hold this feisty pants," Jay said. " She has blue eyes," Aziz said. Jay and Niesha both looked at each other. " Maybe she has powers or something," Melody said. " Well we haven't looked at Cassim and Ashaski to see if they have powers yet so maybe they do as well as the newborns," Niesha said. " Let's hope are son, opens his eyes," Jay said.

All the kids came rushing in and greeted the newborns, Niesha started to worry about her son and why he wasn't opening his eyes. Jay decided to name their daughter, Azura, after the color of her eyes. When Cassim came over with his toy eagle to see if his brother was doing alright.

" How come little brother wouldn't open his eyes?" Cassim asked. " He will when he is ready," Niesha answered. " Little brother, wake up!" Cassim screamed, The baby started to cry. "Cassim, please don't go that," Niesha commented. " Yellow," Cassim said. Niesha looked at her son's eyes and saw gorgeous beautiful yellow eyes. " Now what to name this one?" Jay asked. "Eagle!" Cassim yelled. Niesha looked at the toy and looked at her son. " Nasir will be his name," Niesha said. "You're naming our son after a bird?" Jay questioned. " He does have eagle eyes," Niesha answered. " I present to you Princess Azura and Prince Nasir," Aziz said. " Finally, I have you both," Niesha muttered.

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