chapter ten

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I woke up and started to get dressed for the many meetings I had today. Mother and Father came back from there vacation so I still getting everything ready so they didn't have to do so much when they got back. Kato was sitting next to me as I filled out some paperwork when suddenly Willow and Junior burst into the study.

" We want you to be the godmother on our baby!" Willow shouted. " That was kinda scary," I Answered. " Let me say it in a better tone. We would like you to be our child's godmother. " Junior answered. " Well, I'm honored," I answered, I paused. " Can I have a baby shower here?" I asked. " Not with everything bad happening every time something important happens," Junior said. " Say that again?" I asked. " Everything bad happening every time something important happens." He repeated himself. " That's it!" I shouted. " What," WIllow said. " I know how to get The Spider. Quick get Melody and Aziz here." I said running out the room.

I ran into my parents' room and started explaining everything to them, they thought it was dangerous but I told them as long as we told people after the guards were set up in their places we would be okay. My parents started getting dressed in their royal clothes, I ran into my room to see Jay in there looking at some maps.

" What are you doing?" He asked. " I'm gonna catch The Spider and then I can finally have everything put into place again," I answered. " And what is this outcome?" He asked. " I become Sultana and together we can rule in peace," I answered. " Then let's get ready." He answered. " I love when we get to be heroes," I said kissing him. " Ok go get ready then." He replied.

He started making calls to the others so they could help with this plan. I rushed into my room and threw on a jumpsuit with a gold cape on top, I grabbed Jay's hand a tiara as I went out of my room. I noticed everyone was in the throne room and everything was perfect. I told Jay to wait downstairs for me so I could add one more thing to the castle.

"May I wield a shield of steel and strength, to shield me from those of cruel intent. Banish those who mean me harm, if not invited you shall not pass. It is my will and will it be and it harm none so mote it be." I said.

Now the throne room was protected and no nobody can get out of here. I looked around and made sure some of the guards were in place just in case something bad were to happen to any of us. I walked down the stairs and stopped at the doors of the throne room. Was I doing the right thing? Will I be a good Sultana? Who was The Spider? All these thoughts were going inside my head I just had to breathe. Kato and Elaheh were by my side as I walked through the doors with me. Everyone who was important to me was there, I started to walk towards everyone when I looked up to see some moment near the windows my plan was working. These enemies must have been working for my family. I walked up towards my parents holding my crown.

" Now my daughter do you promise to uphold our laws and values to bring safety and kindness to the people for as long as you reign." My father said. " I do!" I yelled. " Not so fast!" The Spider yelled she was behind us the whole time, everything was going to plan. " Stand down!" I yelled. " You can't make me do anything," She answered. " I had a protection spell down around the throne room only my magic works," I answered making her kneel. " How dare you," She answered. " This ends now Nasria!" I yelled as I ripped off her mask. " Jade!" Jay answered. "What's wrong cuz, were you expecting my mom?" She asked. " How?" I Questioned.

" Yes, my mother did want your power but I wanted more. After you left I took my mother's powers I came here pretending I was wanting a new life living with my beloved cousin. It was perfect I almost defeated this royal family if it weren't for you!" She answered. " But why would you do this?" I asked. " Because nobody cared about me, My mother liked my younger siblings more then she liked me! My cousin didn't even get me off the isle like everyone else! I was the only child left there do you have any idea what that does to a person!" She screamed suddenly lightning came from her hands.

Jade sprang into action, I threw myself at her so she wouldn't hurt anyone else. I want everyone to be safe no matter what happened to me, I could tell my magic had gotten stronger but she did have her mother's and some of my magic. I saw Jay out of the corner of my eye get everyone out of the way. Jade zapped me towards a collum and I hit my back on it, she jumped towards jay and zapped him in the chest.

" Jay!" I screamed. " Nasria, I summon you!" I screamed. Nasira appeared. " Mother, aren't you proud of me? I'm stronger than you and I can take the royal family in one blow!" She yelled. Nasira was scared of the monster she created. " This isn't the daughter I raised." She said. " You hardly raised me you raised the twins more than me!" She screamed hitting her mother with a zap, I crawled towards Jay but he wasn't moving. I could feel a surge of energy. " Never touch him again!" I screamed. " Or what you gonna zap me with your fingers?" She asked mockingly. " No, I will do you one better," I said.

I ripped off my necklace that Jay's mother had given me a long time ago, It turned into Jafar's staff. I could feel the power surge through my veins, I knew I had to defeat her now or else nobody would. Everyone was shocked that I had his staff with me.

" How did you keep that?" Jade questioned. " Jay's mother was trapped in here so I set her free and she gave this to me," I answered. " Power, Power. I'm as strong as thy. Be as powerful as thy. Power, power. Let thy power tie with me!" I shouted. " What are you doing?" She yelled. " Your family deserves no magic. I am taking it away so terror is no more." I yelled. " No!" She screamed. It worked but the force from the blast pushed me back into a wall.

I stood up the best I could with the staff to help me up, I made sure everyone one safe before I walked over towards Jade. Jay woke up and everyone seemed to be great, I walked over towards Jade and made the guards take her away. But all I could really see was Nasira in a corner, she was like a child scared of what she couldn't understand.

" Are you alright?" I asked. " I created a monster," She said. " She was the one who became that way because she didn't know better but to seek approval," I replied. " History repeats itself, I tried to do the same when Jafar didn't become sultan," she said. " Jade will be taken care of now so this doesn't happen again," I said. " I understand now why Jay choose you and decided to become good. I understand everything now. I hope you and your family can forgive me for what my family has caused. " Nasira said. " I forgive you and I will help you come to Auradon and live a peaceful life," I said. " Thank you," she said hugging me.

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