Chapter four

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Niesha's P.O.V.

" Again," Grandma said. " I'm trying," I said back. " If you are ever going to defeat her you need to be stronger," she said. " Can't you see that I'm trying here grandma!" I screamed. " I hate to do this to you," She muttered. " What?" I questioned.

Next, I see Jay and Nasira standing here choking Jay, I couldn't stand the sight of Jay being hurt in front of me. I suddenly felt a surge of energy through my body, I hit Nasira and she got crushed into the wall. So as that happened they faded away, I was so heartbroken even though I knew it wasn't real but it felt real. Suddenly I heard clapping from my grandmother.

" I now know your powers come from your emotions." She answered. " So you put me through all that just to see how my powers work!" I shouted. " If you do that I'm pretty sure this is how you will defeat her," she answered. " Is this how you trained her?" I questioned. "Why?" She asked.  "Just answer my question!" I yelled. It went silent in the room. " Yes," She answered. " Now, I can tell how she became evil, Because of your teachings!" I yelled walking away.

I was so angry with my grandmother, I kept walking and walking till I reached the meeting room. I sat at my father's desk and looked through his files, Doing this and petting my tigers helped my mind at ease. How was I going to lead a kingdom if all my moves were based on my emotions instead of logical thinking? I finished with the files and went up to my room where I noticed a note of my bed. It was from Jay telling me to meet him around eight at the lotus water fountain. I put on a simple magenta dress and put my hair in a bun, It wasn't eight yet so I decide to facetime Willow.

" Hey, chicky," I said. " Hey, dude what's up?" I asked. " Nothing much except, I just found out I am pregnant," She said so casually. " What!" I shouted. " Keep your voice down, I don't need junior to hear." She said. " Do your not even married," I said. " You can have kids without being married," she said. " You're right that was a stupid response, I'm just shocked." I replied. " how about I come over tomorrow and we can talk about it with Melody," She said. " That would be nice," I answered. " Got it I will text Melody," She replied.

" Wait," I said. " Yes?" She asked. "I need to ask a serious question," I said. " Shoot," She answered. " Do you think I'm going to be marriage material?" I asked. " Why?" She questioned. " I heard my parents talking about me and Jay getting married," I answered. " When you are ready you will know," She replied. " Thanks," I said. " No Probs, now I got to go, Junior is taking me out to dinner," she said. " You go, tiger," I said. " Niesha, let's be real. I'm the brown bear you're the tiger," she said. "True, bye," I said shutting off.

I looked at the clock it was 7:51, I was gonna be late cause it takes fourteen minutes to get to the lotus fountain. I grabbed my magic carpet and flew to the fountain, I stopped a few feet away so it looked like I was doing a nice quick walk instead of rushing here. It was a nice little table filled with all our favorite foods including Jay's favorite Baklava. It looked so beautiful I was very impressed with Jay decoration skills.

" Your mom helped with this," Jay said appearing out of nowhere. " I was gonna say this seems too fancy." I giggled. " Now you deserve this night so sit down and relax." He said pulling my chair out. " Why thank you, kind sir," I said.

We talked and talked for hours it seemed, we just haven't seen each other for the past couple of weeks and it killed us both. It was amazing just being able to talk and not worry about being the saltana yet. We got up and started walking around the fountain, we sat down looking into it.

" Do you think about the future?" He asked. " What do you mean," I said confused. " I mean with us," He answered. " I used to but not since Nasira attack," I replied. " Oh," He said. " But, I still think about you," I blurted. " Ok," He said getting up, " What are you doing?" I asked. "Niesha, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" he asked. I was in shock that he would do this. " I...." " Are you alright?" He asked. " I can't," I said. " What why?" He questioned. " Because I don't want you to get hurt because of me," I answered. " But I love you," He answered. " Jay with everything that is going on I can't marry you," I said sadly.

He just sat there for a minute in silence then got up and walked away from me. I sat on the fountain and saw the red box, I looked at the ring. It was a nice gold lotus with a beautiful white diamond inside. I closed the box and walked back to my room.

Jay's P.O.V.

I get why she said no because of what was happening in our lives right now, I just thought she would say yes because she loved me no matter what. I got on my boxing gloves and went to the training room in the palace, I started boxing to let my anger out since I couldn't really fence since I didn't have a partner with me.

" Hey, I thought you were proposing to my sister right now?" I heard. It was Aziz. " I did," I said. " And..." He said. " She said no," I replied. " Damn," He answered. " Yeah, don't rub it in," I said. " What do you mean?" he questioned. " I know you think that you and Melody must have the perfect relationship," I answered. " Melody and I have rough moments, Nobody has the perfect relationship." He said. " I just thought with everything in the way she would still say yes," I said.

" I remember when I first met you," He said. " What does that have to do with this." Hush, now I thought you were a cocky bastard who just wanted any woman you wanted. " He answered. "Thanks," I said. " But you were different with my sister you actually cared about her and she cares about you. She believes if she pushes you back she will keep you out of harm's way." He said. " But, I want her not to worry about me," I said. " Hey, it's how she is one day she will change but one thing is for sure she will always love you." He answered. " Thanks for your help," I answered. " Now, let's cheer you up and get something to eat." He said. 

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