Chapter 16: Arc 1-"Battlefield" End

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3rd P.O.V.

The war ended after the complete defeat of the leading western army. General Dimitri along with the eastern soldiers' march through the enemy's camp, among them was Anthea's group. Well, almost all of Anthea's group.

From the original 6 members, now there's only 4 namely: Leon, Julia, Kent, and Hughes. They all look anxious as they began to search for Anthea.

3 days ago when they were scavenging for supplies. All 3 pairs returned, however, Anthea's pair never did. They waited until it was almost midnight that they saw Gary returned, looking limp and weak. They immediately let him in and Julia treated his wounds. They asked what happened and where Anthea was.

His answer made them anxious and worried to death.

"Anthea was captured by the enemy. I'm sorry I couldn't protect her." Gary said while looking down. His hair covering his expression.

Hearing this, Dimitri grabbed Gary's collar and suddenly punched him. He would've punch and kick him some more if Hughes didn't stop him. They calmed him down saying that if they don't do anything, Anthea will be in more danger.

"Calm down, General Dimitri. This isn't the time to lose your control. Anthea needs us. So stop this foolishness and start acting like a leader!" Hughes advised while holding Dimitri's arms.

Dimitri glared at Gary one more time before shaking Hughes' arms from him and left. His hands clenched tightly that his fingernails wounded his palm.

While Dimitri is planning his next course of action, Leon went in front of Gary with furrowed eyebrows.

"Tell us every detail," Leon ordered.

Gary sighed and described every detail of what happened before and after Anthea was kidnapped.

"So let me get this straight, the two of you were doing your job," Leon stated. "Then when you turn the corner, there was no one so you continued. While you were on a lookout, she grabs the supplies. You heard a noise from behind so you investigated. And you saw Anthea unconscious before you lost your consciousness?"

Gary nodded.

"How'd you know it was the westerners?" Kent asked.

"I saw their shoes. I might not be able to see the face of who attacked us. But before I close my eyes, I saw someone walked towards me. Their shoes have a logo on them. That's how I know."

"What do we do?" Julia asked.

"Nothing," Cathie answered. 5 pairs of eyes immediately look at her.

"I mean, what can we do? Even though the 5 of us can fight and have been fighting. But we are not even close to those trained soldiers. Plus, we don't even know where they took her. And most importantly, why did they took her?" Cathie stated.

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