Chapter 14: Arc 1-"Battlefield"

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I blink and notice Gary looking at me with his half-lidded eyes, his head slightly tilted while he stares at me straight in the eyes. I look around, noticing that no one was looking our way. Dimitri and the others are in a heated discussion about what I just said. Apparently, Dimitri still wants to go while my group agreed with my idea. Then I turn back to Gary and smile.

"What is it, Gary?" I answered him in a low voice so that I will not attract attention from the others.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted." Gary's voice is usually a bit lower and has a tinge of huskiness that can make all girls feel faint and hearts beating fast. Among all, I love Gary's voice the most. It's just a shame that he doesn't talk much. Hahaha, I am getting distracted again.

"I'm okay, I'm just worried that's all," I answered.

He raises his hand and gently pats my head before another hand slaps it away. Then all of a sudden, I was pulled to a rather hard chest, with a very familiar scent that seems to wrap around me. Right. This guy...I got distracted again. But then, when I remembered Aion's words, I immediately stiffen.

"What...? Dimitri? What's wrong?" I asked as I try to push myself away from him, as discreetly as possible.

I think he notices what I was doing and instead of letting me go, he actually tightens his arms around me.

Now I can see what Aion said. This male person who I deem as the male lead of this world actually seems to like someone like me?! utterly indescribable. I can't even...sigh~

{How in the world did this happen, Aion? Why? When? The male lead liking a nobody like me? I didn't even do anything special or something. This is not even a novel where the mob character actively counterattacks with all those face-slapping scenes and eventually attracted the attention and affection of the male lead or the second male lead. Although I do love reading that type of novel sometimes, however, this is real life. My own life. This is so cringed worthy! Aion~ Help! Get me out of here!}

[Don't be over dramatic, Aries. General Dimitri won't kill you. Besides, humans want to have a lover that is the same as him, right? That is according to the current trend that I learned from your world based upon your previous memory.]

{Eh? Well, that is true...Dimitri is an outstanding and handsome man that both males and females would be fond of. He can be gentle and cute sometimes. And then he would become this over-bearing, possessive kind of guy. I think he's actually a passionate lover. And based on his identity, he is loaded. So you wouldn't be having a problem with money anytime soon.}

[Then why are you acting like this?]

{It is because of it that I am like this. I am just a nobody, neither a genius nor a beauty. I can only do the things that I have done all because of your assistance. I don't think I'm deserving.}

[Don't be too hard on yourself.]

A Journey Through Reality: Completing the BlanksNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ