Chapter 1: Arc 1- "Battlefield"

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I didn't feel any pain or any other discomfort, it just felt like falling asleep and waking up. However, the moment I open my eyes what greeted me was utter chaos and destruction. Human bodies littered the ground, painting it with gore with all the blood and dismembered body parts. What is going on here? My heart beats faster than when I was held by the robber, I felt my whole body tremble. Tears quickly fill my eyes and I have a hard time catching my breathe.

The ground violently shook, with my unstable feet, I stumble down on the ground. I quickly look around to ask for help, when I saw not too far from where I was, like two blocks away from me, was a collapsed building. And then I heard it, from the distance the rumble of something big, moving towards the direction of where I am.

I try to stand up but my feet were still trembling with fear so I can only crawl, and managed to hide behind a large fallen debris. Just in time, because the big thing arrives, when I peek a bit it was surprisingly a tank! Oh my goodness...wait a minute. What's going on? Where am I? Dead people. Tanks roaming. Armed soldiers. A-am I in the middle of a battlefield?!

[That is correct, host.]

Ugh. I want to yell at Aion, I really do but I know that I can't make a sound or else I am so dead.

[Ah. That's right, you can talk to me in your mind. Just say open and we can communicate without you talking. And if you don't want to talk to me just say close. Don't worry, without your permission, I can't read your mind. We respect your privacy after all.]

{Open.} I said in my mind. {Can you hear me, Aion?}

[Yes host.]

{Can you explain what's going on here please? Where am I? Who am I here?}

[We are currently in a reality where a war is happening between the western kingdom and the eastern kingdom. It all started when the eastern kingdom stumbled upon a gold mine that help boosts their economy. This gold mine is not literally gold, it was filled with precious crystals that they used to create all sorts of products. Meanwhile the western kingdom, the one that they always have rivalry on, got envious by the growing economy of the eastern that is supposed to be their equal.]

{So basically, they are in a war because the westerns want to get their hands on the land of the easterns. They want to conquer the easterns.}


{Where am I? I'm dead so I don't have a body, thus the only thing I can think of is that I am currently possessing a body.}

[Ye—host. Run!]

My body suddenly froze and when I look at my side, there is a soldier with a rifle pointing at me. Oh fudge sticks! I was too engrossed talking to Aion that I forgot to look out of my surroundings.


Awaken from my stupor, I suddenly run as fast as I can away from the soldier. I guess he didn't think that I would suddenly run away like that, but when he recovers he started to shoot at me. Each time the bullet hit somewhere near me or would almost hit me, I feel like my heart would stop. Aion helps me dodge the bullets by telling me to go right or left, of course I am not allowed to die yet for I haven't done what I was supposed to do here, or so I thought and hoping that it's true.

After a lot of running and moments of almost dying, I slumped down on the floor, panting hard. I am inside a small abandon house that Aion found in the middle of a forest.

[Are you okay, host?]

{I feel like my heart is going to burst...}

While breathing heavily, and securing that no one is here beside me, my nerves finally relax and the tears falls down.

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