Chapter 5: Arc 1- "Battlefield"

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It's been a week since that day, Dimitri is still the same though he finally told me his name. I also managed to administer some blood transfusion on him as well, and I managed his food. Maybe that's why these past few days, he doesn't look pale anymore and his wounds are healing properly.

Right now I am checking the stock for meat. I've always made sure that he is eating a balance diet. It's hard work. I am not even that attentive for myself. But he is the future savior of this world, so I need to take care of him properly. A sigh escapes my lips, I'm tired. And I have to survive for 7 years more. I also have to think of a way to contribute to the war. I have a lot of things to do. Well, at least I've done something already. And that is to save Dimitri.

I look at the inventory in front of me and can't help but sigh once again. Meat and such are now gone. I need to get some more. I didn't get a lot because it might just go bad. Guess I'll be food scavenging for today.



{The family restaurant that we went to last time...are there still stocks there?}

[A little bit.]

{...sigh...are there other place that is near where I can get some more food? More specifically red meat.}

[There is a shop a bit far from the family restaurant. It's the only other place that sells all kinds of meat. Also there's also the general store however, I doubt that there will be right now.]

Well, this is a problem. Oh well, I got to get ready for today's excursion and I guess I have to inform Dimitri. I changed my clothes into male clothing so that I can move around much better and I bring some bags to put the foods. I also brought a portable knife and a small knife for protection. Then I tied my hair into a tight bun and that's it. When I am all ready, I went to Dimitri's room where I see him sitting on hid bed while reading a book. He heard me walking I guess cause he raised his head and stare at me.


"Dimitri, I'll be going out for a bit." I told him.

He put the book down and his eyes seem to narrow while looking at me. Uwahh...he's so scary. What is this sudden interrogation? I suddenly remember my father when I was still a teenager and I asked permission to leave.

"Where?" is it just me or his already cold voice seems to be colder right now? Nah~ I'm just overthinking like always I guess.

"I'll be going to the family restaurant near the border of the forest. I need to replenish our stock. We are running a bit low on food. Don't worry, I've done it last time. However, it has been a while since the start of the war so maybe there are already others who already cleaned it out so I might be a bit late coming back. I remember some other stores that sells food so maybe they have some stocks left." I explained to him.

He keeps quiet while not breaking eye contact. This is definitely awkward. Someone help me!!

"Stay here and take care of the house. Be careful and hide if some soldiers come. I'll come back as soon as possible okay?" I reassured him before turning around to leave. However, even before I manage to take a step, Dimitri grab my left arm and pulls me back.

"Oof!" I feel the soft bed on my back. Aish. This guy..! I look at him and glare as best as I can. "What do you think you're doing, Dimitri?!"

He place both of his hands on either side of me. this what they call a kabe-don(1)???


"Huh? You do know that you won't die if you talk a little bit more right?" I said to him while trying to maintain my glare.

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