Chapter 9: 1/3

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===before the outburst===

Lust sighed, his heart eyes dim with no sparkle. So many people and monsters hated him, just because of where he was from.

His pin pricks followed the Destroyer as he narrowed his eyes, why did the destroyer look so... broken???

" yOu oUT oF eVErYoNE shOuld kNOw thAt I waNt tO stOp... buT I cAn't...

"It'S funNy yOu knOw... hoW eVerYoNe cAlLs mE a sOulEsS monStEr.. wHeN thE trUe mOnSTEr waS hErE thE whOlE tiMe"


Lust's eyes widened, being a monster from a...

Lust had learned to listen, listen for truth.

Error had used the word "can't", not "won't".

Can't and won't are different.

"Won't" means that he won't, that he didn't want to stop but can't... that's a whole different meaning.

"Can't" means he cannot stop, even if he wanted to. It could mean that he's forced. Something in Lust's mind seemed to click as he remembers something from ages ago before everyone in his au became...

A book, to be more specific. A book in a hidden part of the library heavily guarded by deadly traps. Not only that but the book... seemed to be accompanied by a key... but that isn't important.

Lust had accidentally stumbled across the ancient book when he was running from the traps that had mysteriously appeared, it was common for Lust to go read in the isolated corners of the giant library after all.

After the fight, he would need to look for that book again. Magically, Lust was propelled into an unknown portal that had appeared from the forever crying magic that had stunned Lust. With a loud cry, Lust felt himself bang into a wall of what seemed to be books before darkness overtook him... the portal slowly closed leaving a tiny room for a beautiful glowing butterfly to flutter in from the closing gap to land on Lust's skull.

A Comforting , warm feeling overwhelmed him as he slowly lost conscience.

" Lust Lust Lust... can you hear the drums?? Can you hear the shouts of war?? You have chosen a side my dear, and I have chosen you. You shall not be blinded by the liars words, you shall find truth in your purpose... you shall... be free"

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