Chapter 24: More and More Questions

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Hahaha, I spent all the time I was meant to be preparing for my math exam tomorrow finishing this because I thought I was putting it off for too long. Here ya go guys :D

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Reaper and Lust flinched when a deep, stuttering voice called out their names. The god of death whipped out his scythe while Lust summoned a bone as they quickly turned to face the source of where the voice had originated from. There, beside a tree, was a familiar skeleton. His clothing was slightly tattered with dirt and a red substance coating it and the left side of his skull was adorned by a large jagged hole. The single red eye stared at the two Sanses as he tried to figure out why the two were so deep in the forest, walking the opposite direction of where Snowden would normally reside.

"L-Lust? Reaper?" Horror repeated, frowning slightly. "You good?" He was pretty sure only Error could crash but these two seemed as if they had just done the same. He never saw anyone other than Error crash and he himself never crashed so he was pretty sure it was just Error.

"You, what, huh?!" Lust exclaimed. "Where did you come from?! How did you get here! I thought Ink said you and the other bad sanses couldn't get into Heaventale?!"

Reaper hissed and stood in front of his companion. "Be careful Lust! Horror is one of the more dangerous ones-"

"They're all dangerous!"

"-he eats people for stars sake!"

"Actually," Horror said, "I never ate anything until I joined Boss' gang. Even then, I don't eat people....wait, do animals count?"

"No, they don't," Lust answered with a tired look. "Just...look. We are tired and hungry, and it seems to me that you're also stuck here in Heaventale. I won't ask about what you were trying to do, I only ask that you leave us alone". The tired Sans completely ignored the God of Death's state of disbelief. "Stuck?" Horror repeated. "I'm not stuck. B-boss is trying to construct a teleportation pad here, since Heaventale is beautiful and such. It's more for us than him with all the positivity and stuff". He tilted his head. "A-And what do you mean we can't get into this au? You are aware that most of us from the gang are simply classic sans from different timelines right?"

"You're what"

"What do you apparently being Classic have to do with this?" Lust asked, once again ignoring the god beside him. "You don't know?" Horror questioned, looking genuinely confused. "I thought Ink would tell you..."

"We thought that too" Reaper remarked with a sarcastic tone, "turns out he has a mountain load of secrets."

The member of the Murder Time Trio snickered. "W-well, Classic sans is the original sans. All the other AUs are connected to his timelines meaning that if he knew how to open portals, he could technically access anywhere he wanted even if there was a barrier." He explained, "I just so happened to be Classic sans from another, darker, timeline. The only place I probably can't go is... Ink's doodle sphere". Lust stared at Horror. Reaper stared at Lust. Horror stared at Reaper, wondering what the god of death's bones would taste like with some ketchup. Maybe a bit of grilling would also add flavor...

The sound of nearby birds was heard, their shrieks of shock and danger reaching the non-existent ears of the three skeletons. "For Fox Sake" Lust cursed, "he's everywhere!"

"Then let's go!" Reaper hissed, "Horror, I know you probably don't trust us-"

"I trust anyone who doesn't like Ink."

"-But please help us escape. We found something and I'm pretty sure Ink will make sure we never tell anyone if he finds out we found out."

Lust listened to the two talk before noticing two peculiar objects on the ground. He frowned and picked them up before placing them into his inventory to inspect later. After all, who leaves two random chokers on the ground in the middle of who knows where? Not to mention the weird magic it gave off.

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