"Eden my angel, why is it you must always do what papa doesn't want" he grumbled looking at me with a pout and I couldn't help the curious smile that fell onto my lips

"I'm sorry papa" I whisper rushing over to him and placing a gentle kiss onto his temple and taking my usual seat next to him and my eldest sibling Erica to my right,

The maids came out from the double doors exiting the kitchen with large rolling trays littered with all kinds of foods, and I couldn't help but basically drool over it, I might have been tiny but I sure can pack on the food.

"Eden arent you excited your eighteenth birthday this weekend" Egon the second oldest of the bunch stated gazing at me with curious eyes as everyone else did the same

"I'm nervous" I whispered casting my eyes onto my empty plate, not really wanting my birthday to be the topic of the day for dinner. I for one wanted to enjoy my food not barf it all up.

"Why such a solemn face, you will finally be able to use your powers" my mother insisted giving me a soft smile

"It's scary" everyone looked at each other as if I had grown a second head. it was obvious in the group of godly Adonis's, I was the black sheep that didn't belittle me before them, but it did spike anxiety in myself While my mother is a beautiful nymph fairy and my father the king of all incubus they sure have made perfect children.

starting At the top of the chart sat my eldest sibling Erica, she was perfect that word was almost belittling to her beauty she had the perfect mix of my mothers soft features yet the height and strength from my father, she always had perfect curves whilst I still had a fourteen-year-old-body,

Second and third, were the twins Emeric and Egon they were literally our mother in male form but my fathers gene peeked and made them huge, I was positive they were over six feet tall and no shame here I was at a whopping five foot two. They were the most overprotective of the bunch towards me, they thought I was more nymph than succubus but that couldn't be proven until my birthday. I know they wish for me to be more nymph because they couldn't handle me going through succubus initiation even I feared that moment. 

Next was Ethan, he and my eldest sister were very similar some people confuse them to be twins even though they're age difference, they both had golden brown locks, soft honeycomb eyes, and sharp angular features. they both looked like perfectly carved statues

And lastly Evander the closest to my age, he had reached maturity last year and he was the spitting image of my father his actual Minni and it was adorable because they both scrunched their noses when they were annoyed and perched the same foot up when they were standing somewhere for too long, other little things that added to their similarities beside looking like long lost twin.

 that concluded my perfect family but unlike them I for some reason. Didn't get the golden brown locks instead I got the darkest shade of brown that was constantly mistaken for black, extremely large dark brown eyes that  basically looked black, and instead of sunkissed skin I was deathly pale, but my mother always told me once I reach maturity and learned how to control my succubus powers, my body will change into something more like my sisters and I would just look much more womanly instead of some kind of child

"Dont pester her, we dont even know if shes succubus yet," Emeric grunted mounting large amounts of food onto his plate an obvious stressed look on his face

"I dont know, I have a gut feeling she is" erica butted in turning to me and staring me down a soft smirk playing on her lips "she just needs some dick to start the passion" she mused causing everyone at the dinner table to grumble and throw her menacing glares while my father chuckled shaking his head lightly

"I'd say I agree but your words are completely grotesque young lady," my father said holding his head and turning towards me " I can feel your powers little bird, you just have yet to awaken them"

"I know it all might seem scary, and I will personally take the blame for sheltering you for so long, your nymphet looks made me want to keep you pure forever but now that you will reach maturity in a few days it's inevitable," he signed looking at me with adoration.

"your body will be surging with emotions and feelings you had never even thought you could feel, and I want to warn you how hard it will be to control yourself, I mean ask any of your siblings after their initiation. I believe I didn't see Emric and Egon for a whole two weeks after and you could only guess all the ruckus they must have caused" he added pinching the bridge of his nose chuckling lightly as everyone stayed quiet and listened with amusement but I couldn't help the bile that raised into the back of my throat, dont get me wrong I'm not naive, I know what my kind is like and know why my siblings are constantly bringing humans home to satisfy themselves and stay alive but I just couldn't see myself doing those things, and with all kinds of people, it in other words actually disgusted me

"Dont look so appalled Eden, you can't knock it until you try it " Ethan insisted giving me a cheesy smile with two thumbs up.

Hey it's your awkward author here, I'm happy to say I have posted the first chapter and I'm extremely excited to write this book

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Hey it's your awkward author here, I'm happy to say I have posted the first chapter and I'm extremely excited to write this book. I hope everyone is enjoying the book.

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