• ralph x reader •

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As fast as you could, you ran and ran towards a destination you were yet to figure out. You had to get away, before they caught you and locked you away for something you didn't do. There was no use explaining to them, who would never understand that it wasn't you.

It was unfortunate that you were present at the scene of a murder. An android has slaughtered another android for reasons no one would ever know. Just as the police arrived, the murderer was able to get away swiftly. Because you were so distracted by the android making his escape, you didn't realise the police in front of you, armed with guns.

"Hands up in the air!" They shouted.

"Shit. They're never going to believe it wasn't me." You muttered under your breath. Of course, it would seem like it was a human who murdered the android. Equality between the humans and androids was becoming more of a universally known thing, but there were some still opposed to it. Violence between the two species was still a thing, although it was very rare to hear about an android using violence on one of their own.

Before the police could get any closer, you turned around and ran, heart thudding against your chest. Perhaps it could have been the biggest mistake you made of your life. Or maybe not.

The rain made it harder for you to see where you were going and there was no way you would be able to evade the police forever, not on foot and in this weather. So you had to find somewhere to hide.

There was no use asking the store cashier for help; they would turn you in faster than you could say a word. Staying at the motel seemed like a logical option but you would have to be extra, extra careful. In the distance, you saw what looked like an abandoned house and thought that was your best bet, for the night anyway.

Jumping over the fence, something snagged at your leg. Hearing sirens somewhere in the distance, you couldn't afford to stop and look now. Quietly, you walked around the house all the way to the front door.

First you knocked, but there was no answer. You knocked twice more and still no reply.

You walked over to the window on the right and peered in. Seemed like no one was at home. Just as you prepared to smash open a window, a hand grabbed your shoulder and pushed you firmly against the wall.

"The humans like to stay here. But sometimes, they like to hurt Ralph. Ralph doesn't like humans." This person spoke quite quickly. He had a jagged blue scar stretching across half his face which allowed you to identify that he was an android. You wondered who would do such a thing to him and why. Despite the situation and the fact that he pointed a knife towards you, you thought he was cute.

"Well, this human won't hurt Ralph. Who is Ralph?" You asked.

"Ralph is me. What is the pretty human's name?" Ralph answered. You blushed a little when he called you pretty.

"Y/N. Are you going to kill me? If so, make it quick. Actually, that's not a good idea. I came here because, well, I need somewhere to hide. Just until they go away. I don't want to hurt you Ralph, I promise. If I wanted to hurt you, I would." You explained hastily, realising how panicked you were. Ralph raised his eyebrows.

"Do the humans not like Y/N? Did they hurt Y/N?" Ralph asked curiously.

"Well, no. But they are blaming and chasing me for something I didn't do. Bit unfortunate, really. Look, I'll do anything for you if you let me stay here." You answered. Ralph looked down.

"Y/N seems like a nice human. She did not hurt Ralph, nor treat him nastily. Therefore Y/N may stay here for however long she would desire. Ralph is very happy to entertain guests. Please, come in!" Ralph's tone lightened and he beamed at you. You smiled at him and followed him in.

The house smelled strange; you couldn't quite place the smell as it was a mixture of things. There were pieces of broken wood and scattered pieces of paper everywhere.

"Ralph would do anything to make Y/N feel at ease. Would you like anything to eat?" Ralph asked.

"I'm not really hungry, but thank you. All that running took away my appetite." You replied. Every time you looked at him, you couldn't take your eyes off his scar. He seemed like he didn't deserve it and you felt sorry for him. Sorry that he had to hide out in this desolate place because of his fear of humans. Despite being a human, you disliked the way they acted and what they did.

"Y/N looks lost. Is Y/N sad?" Ralph asked.

"Yes, I guess I am. It sucks that humans are like this. Always quick to blame, always ready to use violence - even if the person is innocent. I don't mean to be rude but how did you end up getting that scar? It must've been a human, right?" You asked, letting your mouth work faster than your brain. Then you realised maybe it would bring up unpleasant memories for Ralph.

"Y/N is correct. They were not nice and they attacked, for reasons Ralph will not know why. But Ralph will get over it, like most creatures do." Ralph answered.

Just as you were about to reply, there were loud knocks at the door.

"Y/N, hide here! Quick!" Ralph said, pointing underneath the staircase. You nodded and darted to where he pointed. Whether the police caught you or not, you wished they didn't cause Ralph any harm. He'd been through enough and deserved way better.

"Er, good evening. We're searching for a young woman, in her twenties. She's wearing a hoodie with the hood up and jeans," The police officer continued to describe you. "Have you seen anyone like her at all?"

"No, Ralph has not." Ralph lied. The police officer walked in and looked around the place, checking every crack and crevice. Your heart beat so loud you were scared the police officer would hear.

"Seems to be nothing here. I'll leave. Sorry for the disturbance." The police officer said, then walked out.

After a few minutes, Ralph walked over and gave you his hand to help you up. His hand was cold and firm unlike yours. You seemed to like the feel of his hands.

"Thank you, Ralph! Why didn't you just hand me in? I'm sure they would've rewarded you handsomely or something." You said.

"Because Ralph likes Y/N and thinks she deserves to be free. Does Y/N like Ralph?" Ralph asked.

"Yes, I most certainly do." You replied.


Months later and you had still remained with Ralph, not wanting to leave him. It seemed the police had solved their case and found the real culprit of the murder so you were finally able to stop looking over your shoulder. During that time, you had turned the abandoned house into a more habitable and desirable place to live. Nobody ever bothered you and Ralph and you were both quite content. You were able to return to work shortly after meeting Ralph although still being conscious but now you could return to your normal life fully.

"Does this mean Y/N is going to leave Ralph?" Ralph's eyes looked distant.

You thought for a bit. Over those few months, you had gotten to know the android and realised he was capable of many things, including love. You realised he made you happier than you'd ever been before and that he would do anything for you in a heartbeat without questioning why.

You knew what you'd begin to feel for him. But you were scared he wouldn't feel the same and you were scared of being hurt.

"No, I don't think I will. Unless you want me to?" Y/N replied.

"No way! Ralph loves it when Y/N is around. She makes me feel things Ralph has never felt before. She makes me feel free. Y/N, I have come to the conclusion that I love you. Ralph loves Y/N. I love you. It feels great to say!" Ralph explained.

"Y/N loves Ralph too."

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