• connor x reader •

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"I'm going to get a drink. I would ask if you wanted something but obviously you can't. Would you wait here for me?" I asked.

"Of course, Y/N." Connor said. I left and he turned round to speak to some androids.

Grabbing a red cup, I looked for a drink that wasn't alcoholic as I didn't fancy the thought of becoming a burden to Connor. I poured some Diet Coke into the cup and I almost spilt it when a voice spoke in my ear.

"Hi, Y/N." The voice greeted. I jumped and turned round to see my ex boyfriend, Peter.

"Good lord, Peter. You scared the shit out of me!" I laughed. We had broken up on good enough terms to remain friends, although B/F/N believed he still harboured feelings for me. Now that I was with Connor, I obviously would ignore any advances from Peter.

"Sorry. Wow." Peter said, almost gazing at me. In my mind, I knew what he was about to say next.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You look a-maz-ing." Peter sounded the word out into three separate syllables and his mouth hung open. Feeling awkward, I laughed it off. In the corner of my eye, I could see Connor looking in our direction. Either he was frowning or it was his normal expression, I couldn't tell. He was too far away to see.

"Erm, thanks. Haha." I said, looking away. Hopefully Peter would take a hint and leave.

"Oh, you have something in your hair. It's like a piece of confetti or something. Let me get it for you." Peter said. Before I could say anything, he placed his hand in my hair, almost stroking it.

Connor's POV

"And that's when I decided, enough was enough. I just left." John, a GJ500 model recounted his story of becoming a deviant. But something else had my attention.

In the distance, I saw a strange man smiling and gazing at my Y/N like she was a snack, ready to be eaten. I felt something strange inside me, as if something was tugging at my bio components. Suddenly, every word that John was saying didn't register in my mind as I was too focused on seeing what the guy was doing.

Leave her alone, was all I could think.

She's mine.

Then, the man placed his hand on Y/N's hair, almost stroking her luscious H/C locks. Y/N smiled at him. Unfortunately the man's face was turned away so I couldn't analyse him and find out who he was and why he was talking to her.

"Sorry, John, I need to do something." I apologised to him and he nodded. I walked over, wading through the crowd of people. As I got closer, I saw them talking and I saw Y/N laugh at him. Again, this gave me a strange feeling and I felt myself grit my teeth.

I approached them and Y/N looked slightly surprised.


Connor looked displeased and I knew why. He stood beside me and put an arm around me.

"Oh, Peter, did I tell you this is my boyfriend, Connor?" I said to him. Peter frowned at Connor and smiled at me.

"Pleasure to meet you." Connor held his other hand out to shake with Peter, while holding me slightly more firmly.

"You're an android." Peter said. He sounded almost disgusted.

"Yes, I am. Would you like to see what I can do?" Connor asked, his tone serious. Peter crossed his arms. I could feel Connor getting slightly more tense as he tightened his grip on me.

"I'm curious. What can you do?" Peter challenged. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Maybe now's not the right time for this?" I said, hoping Connor would listen. He held me close.

"No, no, Y/N. What's he got over me? What can he do that I can't?" Peter challenged Connor further.

"Peter, shut up. You don't know what you're doing." I said through gritted teeth. Suddenly, Connor let go.

"She's mine, you hear me? So back off. You don't want to mess with me. If you know what's good for you, you'll go." Connor said, glaring at Peter.

"Next time, plastic boy. I hope you can satisfy her like I did. Won't be long before she casts you out faster than you can say hey." Peter said and stormed off.

I turned to Connor. "This sounds stupid, but were you jealous?" I asked.

"If that is what humans determine to be jealousy, then yes, I guess I was. I'm sorry, Y/N. We came here to have fun. I shouldn't have fired up so suddenly like that. It's just that I thought he was going to take you away from me and I didn't like the thought of it." Connor explained, looking down. I held him.

"You don't have to worry about losing me, ever. I'm always yours. Always." I said.

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