• rk900 x reader •

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, you shouldn't swear so much. It's hardly going to help this situation is it?" Nines said, frowning at her. She rolled her eyes at him and somehow, it caused his systems to heat up slightly, his artificial breathing to catch.

"Okay, mom!" Y/N replied sarcastically. She smirked when Nines' frown deepened even more. They were both investigating a deviant who'd got into a very violent fight with his human roommate. Nines knew the deviant was hiding in the building somewhere.

Then suddenly, they heard a loud thud in the closet.

"Be quiet, Y/N. He's here!" Nines whispered, instantly putting his hand over her mouth.

A few minutes passed and no more sound came. Y/N lifted Nines' hand off her mouth. He sighed at her.

"Well he's obviously not here. It must've been something falling." Y/N said.

"Why must you be so loud? And then you wonder why you haven't managed to solve cases for a while. Y/N, you have to do as I say." Nines ordered sternly. This time, Y/N frowned at him.

"Or what will you do?" Y/N challenged. For some reason she seemed to enjoy annoying him. Perhaps it was the fact that Nines was so regimented and strict that made it even more fun for her to annoy.

Nines' software instability rose up. A curious blend of expressions overcame his face as he tried to work out why he suddenly became a bit more unstable. What caused him to become unstable? Nines didn't want to even consider the possibility of ever becoming a deviant, like his predecessor. He had a job to do and he wasn't going to let a girl get in the way.

"Y/N, don't test me." Was all Nines could say. He knew he wouldn't actually do anything to her. He just wanted to scare her so he could push her away. Becoming an acquaintance or even a friend of a human would ruin everything. Nines didn't want to think about what would happen beyond friends.

"Oooh, I'm so scared. Look, the guy's clearly not here. Let's just leave and look around the street or something. I'm sure we would've found him by now." Y/N said.

"I'm positive that the criminal is still here." Nines said. Y/N sighed and looked down. Something about Y/N's disappointed face tugged at Nines. He couldn't bring himself to look away. If they could just solve this one case, then Y/N wouldn't have to feel so downhearted about her job. Then maybe she would be more happy and motivated to solve cases, therefore making his job easier as well.

But wait. Why would Nines of all people care? He wasn't supposed to think about Y/N's feelings. His sole objective was to solve this case, then move onto the next one. Not feel sorry for a human.

                      SOFTWARE INSTABILITY  ^

Again, Nines wondered why he suddenly felt an increase of instability in his software.

All of a sudden, the closet door burst open, knocking both Y/N and Nines over quite forcefully. Nines held onto Y/N without realising and somehow he ended up on top of her on the floor.

"What are you staring at, Nines? Go get him!" Y/N shouted. Nines lost track of his thoughts as he looked at Y/N. Her words snapped him back into action as he chased the criminal.

Nines' speed was unmatched so it took a while for Y/N to catch up with him and the criminal.

In a strange turn of events, the deviant rapidly turned around and knocked Y/N over. Y/N didn't realise she'd been stabbed with a knife as the deviant shoved past her.

The knife wound was in her leg and she fell to the ground. Nines looked at her and then looked at the deviant making his escape.

His sole objective was to find the deviant. Nothing more, nothing less. The life of a human absolutely could not get in the way  of his pursuit.

Nines knew what he was going to do. Just as he was about to run after the deviant, something stopped him. As if something was pulling him back.

The pained expression on Y/N's face as blood leaked from her thigh. From that moment, Nines decided he couldn't capture the deviant at Y/N's expense.

Nines knelt down to Y/N's level and placed his hand on her wound.

"Oh for fucks sake. This has just ruined my day," Y/N muttered. "Nines, what are you doing? Go get him!"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I must see to your wound first." Nines said. The sight of blood caused Y/N to slowly feel faint and without another second wasted, she lost consciousness.

Nines picked her up and speedily took her to the nearest hospital. What Y/N didn't know was that he stayed by her side every moment along the way. From then on, Nines decided he wouldn't leave Y/N's side ever again, therefore causing him to break out of his coding.

Like his predecessor, Nines was capable of feeling emotion. And he was slowly becoming aware of what he felt for his new partner.

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