Chapter Seven: Silas

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"That's so romantic... in a slightly morbid way... but still romantic." My mom really loved Annika. I wish I could get her advice right now. She would know just the right thing to say. She always did. "Can I go home and change, or am I wearing this on our date?"

"It doesn't matter what you wear, only I will see you. And I see you in sweats with messy hair and no makeup all the time. So, no need to be self-conscious." She could wear a potato sack and shave her head, and I would still think she is beautiful. I would still want her.

"Where are we going?" She has always been so impatient. Impulsive even.

"To the pharmacy," I say, knowing full well what she means.

"No... Our date."

"Tisk. Tisk. So impatient." Her laughter is a sound I could hear on repeat nonstop. I missed that sound. We are quick inside the pharmacy—no need to waste sunlight here. I want to get her home before dark so she can walk around the property and take it all in. But first, our date.

"Okay, well, how far is it?"

"15 minutes." I am taking her to one of our favorite places for dinner. I'm sure she is sick of hospital food, and her not eating for almost a month must mean she is hungry. 

"What did you do while I was asleep all that time?"

"I often would work in your hospital room, as I told you. I didn't like going home without you, so I was home long enough to sleep and shower, but that's it. Sometimes I slept in my office on the couch or even in your room on that awful chair. I visited my dad and your parents a lot. Jamie took me out like every other night. I really put a damper on his dating life, I think. He would show up at the hospital a lot to see you; then, we would go out and do something." I miss the way she would always take my hand as I would drive. We are almost always touching each other in some way... use to. "I would replay your voicemails so that I could hear your voice over and over again. In one, your yelling at me, and I would listen to it every day. Hearing you yell at me was better than not hearing you at all."

"Can I hear them," I hand her my phone, but she tries to hand it back, asking, "can you unlock it?"

"The password is your name." I look at her once I stop at a red light. "We don't keep secrets."

"Silas, really? I know I work from home and all, but you couldn't bring the garbage back up the driveway? I mean, if you say you are going to do something, then do it. I'm not that housewife that does everything around the house by myself. I shouldn't have to do this. Not right now... Ugh... I'm sorry. I'm just hormonal. I didn't mean to sound like such a bitch. I'll see you later. Love you."

"Sorry I yelled at you while I was PMS-ing." She was pregnant, not PMS-ing. I still haven't told her. I don't know how to. She moves onto the next one.

"Hey, baby. Maybe you could sneak out early... I uh... Well, I neeed you. I'm wearing that white set you like so much. I looove you." Hearing her talk with her voice all low and needy like that makes my cock twitch in my jeans.

"I came home the second I got that message." She is blushing so hard. Cheek burn a bright crimson.

"Hey! I'm at the beach. You should join me after work... and bring dinner... I'm craving pizza... and husband time... I love you, baby. So so so much. I hope to see you soon. I'm at our spot."

"I took an Uber to the beach so that we didn't take two cars home. I brought a pizza for dinner."

"What's an Uber?" Right, of course, she doesn't know what Uber is.

"It's like a cab, but it's through an app. We will want to get you the app so that you can get around while I'm at work. I'm taking most of next week off, but I do have some meetings I have to go to. I hope you're okay with that."

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