Ch.6 Under Moonlight

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If he was here then surely there would be others not to far away. A pity they sent in dogs when wolves were at play; X sighed believing there would be no need for more blood shed this early morning.

'This is what he wanted...'

That voice... she knew that voice...

'...You kill them, and he wins...'

The familiar sting in the corners of her eyes and lump forming in her throat distracted her momentarily. 'Dr. Vallen', X whispered to herself solemnly under her breath, catching the attention of Wolf who's ears stood at attention at the sight of her tears.

'...You don't have to kill anymore... Jut live...'

She could have sworn he was right there with her, always the voice of reason, even after death. X realized she had two options; kill this man and his team, or do what she does best and feign the victim until she finds the opportunity to slip away undetected.

After all if they were here then they must be looking for her; or well the "Red Death".

X made quick work of her posture, slouching in an attempt to make her lard look even smaller than her size by bringing her arms into her chest shoulders sagging as she snuggled deeper into Wolfs thick coat. She was quick to play up the tears in her eyes; adding in some shivering and sniffles for the added effect.

Looking to the shore Superboy could barely catch sight of the woman's sipping red hair behind Wolfs large form. He was cautious as he moved closer and closer towards them, moving slowly out of the water skimming over the tattered, blood stained, and burned clothes crumpled on the floor besides a large bag surrounded by used medical supplies haphazardly strewn about.

'Hello...' Superboy spoke as softly as possible; he'd been teased relentlessly in the past, by younger members of the team, at how aggressive and frightening he came off as for being a hero. He very well knew how intimidating he looked and sounded to others, even when in a good mood. The woman was obviously frightened, attempting to hid herself within the fur of his companion; he had to be cautious and slow with his approach, not wanting to spook the clearly defenseless woman.

Wolf huffed and whines at the sounds coming from X; turning and seeing his pal making his way over. Wolf licked away her tears in an attempt to ease her trembling form, and like bees to sugar water, they were eating up her charade.

X took shaky steps back, slightly stumbling as she put some distance between herself and the super. Should things escalate, although she didn't believe things would, she could manipulate the Wolf to "defend" her against the man.

'Hey are you alright? What are you doing out here all by yourself..?' Superboy asked doing his best to keep his eyes locked on her frightened water gaze. She made no effort to speak, only eyeing him where he stood in uncomfortably slick clothes; boots squishing and squeaking with every small movement.

In mere moments he found himself unknowingly caught in her beautifully vibrant green eyes, naturally illuminated by the moons light. The world around him becoming hazy and his body numb to the cold as they seemingly gazed into each other's eyes. 'What could have possibly happened to her?', he asked himself as he really began to look at her face, or what he could see under the moons light.

His eyes trailed to her right eye showing the signs of the beginnings of a bad bruise pink dark and swelling. The aggressive redness in her cheeks and nose contrasted greatly against the contrast of her porcelain skin; freckles littered on seemingly every inch of her body, from the few shameful glances he'd taken upon seeing her atop the falls. In that moment he felt warm, a fulfilling warmth that swelled in the depths of his being; the tips of his ears and cheeks glowing pink.

Red Death« (A Superboy/Conner Kent love story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora