Chapter seven~ Hunter's party

Start from the beginning

Jared walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. Though there was no food, everyone still met there. Jared wasn't feeling very well. The hunger was really getting to him today. But, he couldn't let it bring him down; the party was that afternoon. Jared walked into the cafeteria and sat with Austin, like he did everyday. "Woo, party tonight!" Hunter said happily. Nate rolled his eyes and chuckled. They were all going to the pool after this to start decorating. Nate nudged Hunter and said something quietly to him. Hunter got a cocky smile before dashing out of his chair and too the pool, Nate close behind him "LAST ONE THERE HAS TO CLEAN AFTER THE PARTY!" Nate yelled. Everyone started running after them, laughing as they tried to past the others in front of them.

They ran into the pool area, laughing and panting. "Ok...who was last...because they really do...need to clean up after the party..." Nate said, panting. Everyone looked around. "Hey...where's Jon?" Austin asked. He wasn't in the pool area. "Hey, is it alright if I skip out on cleaning or decorating today? I'm not feeling so well." Jon said, walking slowly into the room. "Aw, come on. Everyone has to help out. You can just do some of the smaller jobs." Emile said. Jon shook his head. "I feel like I'm gonna puke." he said. "Alright, but you can't come to the party then." Hunter said. "What? Why not?" Jon asked. "Well, if your too sick to help decorate or clean, then you must be to sick to come to the party." Hunter explained. "B-But-" Jon started to say. "No buts! If you can't help, you can't come." Nate said. "Hey, give the guy a break. Let him come. It'll be fine!" Josh said. "I think it's fair if he doesn't come. He's sick, right? So why would he want to come to the party?" Jeremy said. "Hey, we weren't asking you!" Doug said. "Just let him come to the party! I don't know why we're making such a big deal over it." Alex said. "Who said you could talk? He. Is. Not. Coming!" Caddie said. "Oh, come on, let him come." Nico said. "I think it would be better if he did stay at his dorm." Mat said. "Why are we arguing about this?" Emile said. "Will everyone just shut up!" Austin said angrily. "You shut up!" Arin yelled back.

That's when everyone started fighting. People were yelling at each other, shoving, getting in each other's face and making large gestures with there arms. Jared had stayed quiet. He personally didn't care if Jon came to the party or not. Jon was also quiet. He looked a little taken back by everyone's fighting. He almost looked a bit sad seeing it. "Hey, if you guys want...I clean." Jon said quietly. No one was listening.

Jared left the fighting after a while. Jon had left before him. Jared walked around aimlessly for a while. "God, how long are they going to fight about this?" Jared said to himself. He felt his stomach grumble. It was probably the lack of food that made everyone so irritable and sick. He wasn't feeling well himself, and he did feel like punching a wall. Jared sighed. "Jared? Oh, Jared! There you are!" someone called out. Jared turned to see Caddie walking to him. "Hey, we need you to help decorate and clean. Everyones calmed down now." Caddie said. Jared nodded.

Jsred walked back into the pool area again. Though everyone was giving a few glares here or there, everyone seemed peaceful. Hunter and Nate had already started hanging streamers on the walls and Josh and Alex were mopping the sides of the pool. Everyone else was either wiping off the walls or putting up folding tables with cups of water on them. Water was the only thing they could eat or drink right now. Jon still wasn't around. "Found'im." Caddie said, walking in. "Thanks Caddie." Hunter said, focusing on tapping the streamers to the wall while siting on Nate's shoulders, allowing him to hang them higher. "Jared, can out with...setting up the tables." Nate said, obviously struggling under Hunter's weight. Jared nodded. "You can come with me to pick up another table. This should be the last one we need. We should also pick up some more water." Emile said. Jared walked with Emile to the storage room. A few boxes were missing, but other then that it looked the same way it always did. "Alright, Jared you take one side, I'll take the other. One...two...three." Emile said, lifting the table with Jared. The two carried it back to the pool and placed it with the others.

After a while of setting up, the party was ready. Nate had ran out to grab something. He said it was a secret. Everyone else was hanging around the pool, dipping there legs in or standing nearby, drinking some water and talking and laughing about whatever someone had said. Jared was talking with Austin about random things. "-and that's why I don't play My Sims anymore. Because they suck." Austin finished saying. Jared laughed a little at Austin's story before he saw Nate walk in. He was holding some sort of microphone and speaker. "Hey Nate, what's that for?" Austin asked. Nate didn't hear him. He walked around to the side of the pool where no one was and set down the speaker. He quickly hooked up the microphone to the speaker while Hunter ran to get something out of the male's changing room. "Okay, okay, testing, testing, one, two, three, is this thing working? I think so. Alright, hey everybody! I'm just gonna be playing some music for all of you, so I hope you all enjoy!" Nate said happily. Hunter came out of the changing room, rolling out a small drum set and holding a stool. Everyone watched as Nate adjusted the drum set and stool in front of him, along with his microphone. Nate grabbed the drum sticks from Hunter and started playing.

Nate did live up to his title of the Super Youtuber level musician. He played some anime openings, a few song covers and even some of his parodies that he had written. Though all he was playing was the small drum set, it still sounded really good.

The rest of the night went smoothly. Nate sung song after song, sometimes taking a break for water or to talk with Hunter, Nico did a few voice impressions, Arin even started drawing things. Everyone was having a great time, despite fighting earlier that day and currently starving to death. After a while at the party, the monitor in the pool area lit up. The nighttime announcement. No one really listened to what Monokuma was saying. "Ten already? That felt fast." Josh said. "These days have felt pretty quick." Mat said.

After hanging out for a while longer, and a few songs from Nate, everyone slowly started to leave. First Arin left, then it was Mat, then Jeremy. After him was Doug, then Nico, then Josh and Alex left at the same time. "Alright, I'm gonna go. I'm tired." Jared said a while after Josh and Alex left. "Alright. See you tomorrow. Don't forget to help clean up." Emile said.

Jared walked out the door and to his room. He quickly went to bed and had a nice, deep sleep.

Ding Dong!

The morning announcement went off that morning like it always did. Jared walked out of his room and to the pool area to help clean up. On his way, he ran into Nate and Arin. "Hey Jared." Arin said. "Morning." Jared said, still pretty tired. "You coming to help clean too? Hunter's already there I think. He was the last one to leave the party because he wanted to start the cleaning. He must be there first thing in the morning to." Nate said happily. The three talked as the walked into the changing room, which lead to the pool. There was a mop and a few cloths there. "You two grab that stuff since Hunter left them here, and I'll start grabbing tables." Nate said. Arin and Jared nodded and grabbed the stuff they needed as Nate walked into the pool area.

And then Nate screamed.

Jared and Arin rushed in when they heard him. Nate was staring at the pool, in the water. His face was white and he had fallen over. He was backing away from the pool. "Nate? Nate, what is it?" Arin asked. Jared looked in the pool, and let out a yell.

Laying at the bottom of the pool, being weighed down with a dumbbell on his back was a body. His head was covered in blood, which had turned the water around him a light pink color. The body was laying face down, but Jared knew who he was.

It was Hunter, the Super Youtuber level Pokemon trainer.

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