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The words of his arrogant brother piqued his interest as they pillowed out of his mouth tauntingly. However the impulsive blond knew his father's favourite wouldn't give without a price.

"What do you want?" Bakugou's voice was final and stern. He was eager to give anything to be even a step closer to his greenette despite his solitude exterior.

"Nothing." The smirk that was painted on his older brother's features was one he would pay millions to see be wiped off. The man was taunting him and he knew it.

The blond slammed his fist against the arm of the staircase, his anger almost on the point of spilling. "Bull. Shit." The words seething out through his teeth like poison.

"To see your continuous downfall is already enough entertainment for me." Itsuki spoke with mocking agenda dressing his words. "And as for material items, I can get anything I want. Even things you can't." With that phrase, the young man pulled aside his expensive looking coat revealing the meticulous handle of a prestigious looking battle sword.

Bakugou gritted his canines at sight of the weapon, it was a reminder of his brother's superiority against him. A sight the prideful blond simply could not stand. It struck a nerve in his system, being an abject reminder of the day his brother humiliated him at the fateful spar. He wanted to tear down the illuminating image of brunette that existed to cast a shadow on him.

"Shut it, outsider." His chocolate locks stood out awfully amongst the blond tuffs seen in the family painting of the royal members. To this day, the younger prince still couldn't fathom the reason behind why an adopted son such as Itsuki was included in the ceremonious piece.

Bellowing out a mocking laugh, his matte pupils was fixated on the ruby reds of the blonds, challenging him almost. "Outsider? Then how come Father told me where it was, that he placed your little...play thing."

Everything about that sentence ticked off the young prince. Truthfully, he didn't know how much longer he could retain his rock hard exterior in the room before hurling the closest object directly towards his brother's delicately styled hair.

A sharp inhale could be heard from the blond as the sound of his greenette being denounced filled his ears. "Don't call him that." The words dripped with venom as they slid off his tongue.

Amidst hearing his brother's seemingly amusing response, Itsuki decided to press on his weak spot further. "Call him what? Your toy?" His smirk was now almost a permanent feature to his face due to his soaring ego.

It was if a string snapped inside Bakugou. He loathed the word being of use to describe Midoriya. It was a reflect of his own regret as thinking of him as nothing more than a past time upon their beginning interactions. However within their moments spent together, the dominant alpha came to know this timid omega as someone more than just a mere object.

The ricochet of his hunter boots hit the surface of the velvet lined staircase as he approached his brother with an intent equal to murder.

"I said stop." His face now inches away from the smirk he hated most. The sharp features of the blond contrasted the soft attributes of the brunette, ironically mirroring their respective personalities. One being impulsive and jaggered, the other acting as calculating and sly. Some would say the king had a dangerous mix of characteristics between his two sons.

"Or what? You think you'll actually beat me?" Itsuki's voice was taunting, it was almost as if he wished for the impulsive prince to attempt to land a swing.

"Don't push it." The blond snarled, revealing slightly his sharpened canines. Fists clenched into his palms till his nails dug at his tough skin painfully.

"My dear brother, don't think for a second you can threaten me." His voice came out as a dry chuckle, a belittling gaze glossed over his puppy like eyes, a rather deceiving front. Walking slowly in a circle around his younger brother, the brunette continued his rather egotistical speech. "In every way, I am superior to you. Your physical, mental, and emotional states, I surpass them all. My emerging existence is a testimony to your failure as a son and most importantly as the prince of this nation." Taking a deep breath and clearly enjoying the view of his brother's increasing anger, Itsuki carried on, excited to press on the blond's Achilles heel. "And not to mention, just when I thought you couldn't get any lower, you bring in a disgraceful servant with the qualities of a who-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Bakugou swung a wide blow aimed at his brother's jaw. However it was no surprise that the Blond's indignation was flared as the devious older brother blocked his blow easily, triumphant at the fact that he was able to purposefully trigger his brother's primal violent instincts. As his palm covered the expanse of the blond's fist, the arrogant smile that decorated his lips was soon forgotten as tips of the blond's tuffs met with his hazel locks upon the collision of their foreheads. More specifically the blond's accelerated force crashing into his brother's temple.

The unexpected action caused the Brunette's feet to stagger backwards a few steps whilst his shaking hands fumbled for the handle of the sword that was adorned on his belt as a desperate attempt to retaliate. However to his dismay, the young prince was already in close proximity to his brother once again as he placed a suffocating grip on the wrist of Itsuki's hand that reached blindly for the weapon, preventing him from doing so.

"Too slow. Brother." The use of the word that was used before as a taunting method to him sounded sweet to his ears for the first time, the roles have switched and the blond enjoyed the taste of his first bite to superiority.

Gritting his teeth in distasteful defeat, his stare was filled with betrayed annoyance. "Of course, the use of dirty tricks befit you." He was determined to get in the last word even if it was the last thing he could do.

"Guess I started playing your game then." Exchanging snarky remarks seemed to be a talent of the blond's, something no one could've beaten him at even from his youth. His father surely wasn't fond of his quick witted tongue but the man himself was took pride in his cuttingly humorous responses.

Letting out a exasperated sigh, the older prince was simply tired of the informal conversation. "The dungeons. He's there."His voice reflected one of defeat.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" Bakugou let go of his grip on his brother's wrist with a rather strong shove before running his hand through his now disheveled golden tuffs.

As he walked away from the brunette, his steps decorated with newly found pride, the older prince hadn't forgotten to keep a pressing hold on his younger counterpart, not letting him breathe even the slightest breath of relief. "Don't think the same outcome will occur in a formal spar." However Bakugou failed to notice the smirk that was painted devilishly on his brother's plotting face.

Waving the comment off in a mocking manner the blond continued his steps with his back faced towards his brother, displaying the crimson expanse of his cape.

Regardless, it was not the vibrant colour that stood out in his brother's eyes but the cocky middle finger held up by the blond as he exited the room without looking back.


So the quality of this chapter sucked ASS, I haven't written in so long.

This chapter was like half written in my drafts for ages, I just decided to finally bang something out so yeah, sorry if you expected more...? I'm trying my best lol

Having a massive writer's block is annoying as fuck. There's a like a million ways this story could go and I can't seem to find one I actually like.

Also I didn't realise developing an OC character well would be this difficult, I cri.

Anyway! Christmas break is here so bet your ass I be writing again. Hopefully this chapter wasn't too boring ;-; we'll get to the good bits soon I promise.

PS: think of Oikawa if you really can't image Itsuki's appearance and personality. There are some similarities but try to picture him in your own way ((:

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