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"Midoriya Izuku."

The green haired boy rushed up towards the head of the domestic department, his steps scuttle and quick, as if showing a hint of eagerness.

After the incident with the Todorokian Prince, no pursuit of action was led following his incriminating behaviour due to the omega's pleading and wish to not make a deal out of the already messy situation. However the Prince was unpersuaded that Midoriya's injuries have fully healed within one day, thus ordering a week's worth of rest as the blond pampered him on a daily basis whilst the couple had the opportunity to properly get to know one another. It seemed bizarre almost to onlookers due to the steps of courtship they had completed missed in their road to a blooming relationship. It pleased the omega greatly when he was able to know more about the prince as well as finally having the chance to converse with the alpha freely. After all a much deserved breather was needed after the string of shocking events that were all crammed into the span of a few measly days.

"Present!" he responded cheerfully however the gummy grin that adorned his lips were soon upturned as an eruption of whispers broke out within the crowd of maidens behind him. He heard various nasty comments, ones that made his ear perk up excitedly then droop down at the disappointing sting of the harsh words. The whispers chanted at all his imperfections and shortcomings; it shocked the timid omega how, although he has never spoken to the gossipers before, a prejudicial opinion of him has somehow already formed. They poked fun at how unruly his emerald locks were or how rigid and mechanical his behaviour was, it made the green eyed boy all the more self conscious.

"You'll be with recovery girl as part of your training." The supervisor spoke, a neutral and professional tone covering her voice unlike those of the inexperienced maids who expressed negative chatter. The omega looked in the direction that the supervisor's finger pointed as his gaze followed her hand. Face to face with him was a rather stout elderly woman, her walk was accompanied by a simple cane as well as a posh looking uniform which fitted her neatly.

"Pleased to meet you." Midoriya greeted, a little too cheerful in his tone perhaps. However the carefree manner that the young boy tried to emit was soon stomped on as the elderly woman cleared her throat briskly.

"My training will be hard. Especially as it is for those under the direct service for the royalty." The older woman responded, emphasizing on the last word of her sentence. At this, the green haired boy gulped visibly as his lips pursed together in nervousness. He found his throat was clogged with anxiety and anticipation thus giving a curt nod as his response instead.

Midoriya stood in silence as the supervisor continued to call out the respective names. The wails and celebrations of each maiden as they were called to their trainer was muffled within the quiet omega as he trained his emerald orbs on his slightly tattered black loafers. He dared not make eye contact with any of the girls in the room, afraid to cause even more dissonance between them and himself.

"Yo Mido-Chan!" The green haired boy felt an arm loop around his neck from behind as he was met with a ruffle of bubblegum pink hair from the side.

The awkward boy looked around the room, unsure of who the greeting was for before he pointed one shaky finger towards his face, "Uh, me?"

At his shaky response, the raccoon eyed girl lifted her hands in the air casually with her elbows bent as he palms opened up. "Duh. Who else?" She replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world although the hint of playfulness was evidently present.

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