“Make. It. Yourself.” I said slowly and precisely.

“Make. Me. A. Sandwich.” Louis copied my tone.

“Me too!” Harry piped up again.

“Now I can see why they call you the sass master from Doncaster,” I glared at Louis and stormed into the kitchen.

“Well, I do try,” He smirked and skipped alongside me.

“I really do hate you sometimes,” I huffed as I grabbed the bread, putting four slices on the chopping board.

“I love you too Li Li,” He grinned and jumped around the kitchen, blaring music out.

“Pillow fight!” Harry yelled running in the kitchen holding a pillow above his head.

“Not in the kitchen!” I shouted and the two boys ran out the kitchen, Louis screaming whilst Harry was making Red Indian noises… and they weren’t even drunk…

“Boys,” I muttered and continued making their sandwiches.

“Lia! Help me! I’m going down!” Harry screamed from the lounge area. I walked in and saw Louis pounding Harry, who was on the floor, with a pillow he’d probably gotten from the bedroom; Harry’s pillow was thrown across the room.

“Sandwiches are in the kitchen, I’ll see you two later,” I waved quickly before walking out and leaving the two boys to their play fighting.

“Zayn,” I sang as I skipped into the bedroom where I thought he would be.

He wasn’t in there. I frowned and looked around, “Zayn?” I called.

No reply.

“Zayn!” I called louder and turned to walk back out the room.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and I squealed, “Boo,” The person whispered in my ear, their warm breath tickling my neck.

“Zayn!” I grinned and turned around in his arms, he grinned back at me.

“Fancy seeing you here,” He smirked and pulled me further into the bedroom.

“I know, it’s shocking… considering I live here,” I rolled my eyes.

“No need to be sarcastic,” He laughed and kissed me lightly.

“So, how was your day?” I asked as we lay on his bed, me snuggled into his chest.

“Stressful, but I know how to change that…” He smiled and kissed me again.

I kissed him back and smiled as he moaned when I ran my fingers through his hair. His hands slid up my back, making me shiver in delight. He rolled on top of me as he slid my top off my head. I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor.

You Are Everything I See ~One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now