Chapter 13- Nemo

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I woke up at 5:30 pm and decided to get something to eat. I threw the covers off of me and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hello Evie nice of you to join us" Thorn jokes while Lucas I cooking something his back to us. "So what's for dinner" I asked.

"I'm making salmon with some mashed potatoes" he says. "We're werewolves not cats so why are we eating fish" I said scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"Because Evie fish is good for you" Lucas said. "While it smells weird. can't we just have pancakes" I whine like a little kid.

"Evie it's dinner time not breakfast" Thorn says giggling a little at the last part. "Well breakfast is the best meal of the day and should be all the time" I state crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just try it and if you don't like it then I'll make pancakes deal" Lucas asked holding his out for me to shake. "Deal" I say shaking his hand.

He puts a plate in front of me with a small pink piece of fish and some mashed potatoes. "Are you sure this is even cooked" I ask poking my food with my fork.

"Just eat the food" Lucas say giving thorn his plate. I take a deep breath then put some of the fish into my mouth.

I let out a moan of delight as I eat it. "Is it good" Thorn asked. "Yea" I mumbled though a mouth full of food. Lucas and Thorn both laughed but I just shoveled food into my mouth and in a few minutes my plate was empty.

"Wow Evie you eat like you've never seen food before" Lucas said as I put my plate in the sink. "Is that even healthy" Thorn Asked. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the living room.

I turned the tv on to see finding Nemo on. When I was five I snuck downstairs while my parents where watching this with Sapphire. It was the first movie that I have ever watched.

I jumped onto the couch and snuggled up in a blanket. One hour and forty four minutes later the movie ended.

"Hey Evie I thought you should probably know that there's going to be a meeting tomorrow about the rouges if you want to come" Lucas said. "Who's coming, and where is it" I asked him. "Me, Thorn, Abby, my two gammas and my three best warriors and it going to be at the pack house but most of the people will either be at school or work".

I nodded my head in agreement and went into the kitchen. "Evie you just ate how are you still hungry" Thorn questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders and opened one of the cabinets.

I skimmed through the cabinets till my eyes landed on I bag of skittles. I grabbed the skittles and went up to my room. I jumped not my bed and started eating my skittles in peace until I herd a knock on my door.

"What do you want" I called out. "Uh can I come in" I herd Lucas say. "I don't know can you" I say holding back a laugh as Lucas comes through the door. "So what is it that you need" I questioned him.

"Well it's about tomorrow" he started "people will start getting suspicious if I can't touch you and there going to start questioning us". I looked at him for a second before I got what he was saying. "So what you want me to hold your hand or something" I say.

"Well something like that" he said scratching the back of his neck. "How far do you want to go" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He looked at me for a second before saying "How far can I take it".

"I'm not kissing you and I will not call you honey or sweetie and it's only in front of the pack got it" I said. "Got it" he said.

I continued to eat my skittles until I noticed that he was still in my room. "Is there something else you needed" I asked him. He shock is head no and left my room.

I closed the pack of skittles and placed them on the night stand the I went to the wardrobe to look for something to wear for bed. 'Why is there not a single shirt in here I thought to myself as I settled on a prehistoric looking night gown.

I was white and made of smooth silk. It was long sleeved and stoped right above my knees. I tuned of the light and settled in to my comfy bed.

When I opened my eyes again it was pitch black and all that I could see was black. "Hello" I called out but no one answered. I started walking until I herd men's shoes behind me. I spun around just to be met with in awful sight.

Sorry for such the short chapter this week but I hope you liked it and the cliff hanger. Make sure to vote and come back for next weeks chapter. Love y'all💜💜💜💜

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