Chapter 16

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It seemed like an eternity, but Philip made it back to the palace without anyone knowing he had disappeared. After leaving Lacy and the other Rapidash in the stables, Philip got back to his room and back into his royal clothing. Not risking getting a servant involved, the Archduke and Duke Grovyle helped Philip change his clothes and brush Alex off. They scowled the whole time, creating a tension in the room.

"Philip," said the Archduke angrily, "What were you thinking to wander into the town without anyone knowing?"

Alex sighed. "Umbreon..." ("Nothing happened...")

"I was fine, my Lord." said Philip, "No one knew who I was. Don't get angry."

"Well, I am!" shouted the Archduke, "Did I or did I not warn you to never go outside without an escort?! And to be careful what you do in public?!"

"We saw you stop that thief and his Linoone in town." said Duke Grovyle, "My master said to not draw attention to yourself."

"What was I supposed to do?" said Philip, "Let them get away?"

Alex nodded in agreement. "Umbreon!" ("Someone had to stop them!")

"That isn't the issue, Your Highness," said the Archduke, "You should've asked us for permission beforehand. You are the crown prince, and you cannot be seen without an escort. It's a safety issue and the law. What were you doing there in disguise anyway?"

"I was trying to find her," said Philip.

"Who?" said Duke Grovyle, "The Masked Maiden?"

"Yes," said Philip, "Plus, it was a relief to be among real, honest people. No one treated me like a prince. They treated me like an equal. As I said, I'm perfectly fine. Not a scratch."

"What if something happened to you?" asked Duke Grovyle.

"I told you, I'm fine!" retorted Philip, getting a little annoyed.

Duke Grovyle clasped his head and groaned in frustration. The Archduke kept his emotions in check.

"Philip," said the Archduke, "You know nothing about this girl except that she's beautiful, talented, and skilled. You don't even know her real name. The Masked Maiden is just what people and her fans call her."

"But I have this weird feeling that I've seen her somewhere before." said Philip, "Like I've known her my whole life."

"Philip are you in love with this girl?" asked Duke Grovyle.

"What?! No!" said Philip, a little too quickly, "At least, I don't think so."

Alex spoke up. "Umbre, Umbre, Umbreon!"

Duke Grovyle translated, "Alex is saying that he and Prince Philip aren't doing anything wrong. They just want to know who the Masked Maiden and her Pokémon are."

"That's perfectly reasonable," said the Archduke, "But you have to stop sneaking out of the palace on your own. This is the fourth time this year."

"I was perfectly safe, Your Grace." said Philip, "I may have stopped a thief, but nothing else happened to me. Not even Ella's stepfamily recognized me."

"Your Highness, it is too dangerous," said Duke Grovyle.

Alex argued, "Umbreon! Umbreon!" ("We can handle it! Don't worry about us!")

"We're not worried about you and Philip, my Lord," said Duke Grovyle, "We're worried about the King and Queen finding out! We cannot keep hiding your escapades from them! We will all get trouble!"

Philip and Alex didn't say anything else as the Archduke and Duke Grovyle continued their lecture.

Philip thought back to Ella and how he nearly kissed her. He didn't know what was going through this head at the time. When he looked at Ella, he thought he saw the Masked Maiden. He didn't understand why he felt that way about her. Then he remembered what Duke Grovyle asked. If he was in love with the Masked Maiden.

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