Chapter 2

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It was a long morning after the Rattata's misadventure.

Cinderella, Valiant, Rose, Ariel, Bella, Rex, and Mikey worked overtime as they juggled between recleaning the house and stables, washing the breakfast dishes, and getting everyone dressed and ready for the day. By the time Patricia, Sabrina, and their mother left for town, the Rattata were left with cleaning half the house from top to bottom. As the Rattata worked, Valiant started everyone's lessons.

This morning's lessons were music, posture, and dancing. This morning, Cinderella and her Pokémon sang to "Cherri Blossom Blooms" while she played the violin, Ariel played the piano, Rex played the cello, Valiant played the flute, and Bella played the harp. They had been practicing this for two months and the Pokémon could now sing it in human.

After their music lesson, they practiced walking and posture of nobility and practiced waltzing. In finishing school, Cinderella was at the top of her class as well as Ariel, Bella, Rex, and Mikey. Rose never went to finishing school as she wasn't even born yet at the time. However, she learned quickly over the last few months. She now knew how to stand, walk, dance, talk, and eat like a proper lady.

After taking a break for lunch, Valiant took the Pokémon outside for their battle training. Ariel, Bella, Rex, and Mikey had years of battle experience and were all quite strong. Rose wasn't as strong as the others when it came to fighting, but she was very good at defense. In fact, she found she could fight and dodge better when she danced.

While Valiant practiced with some advanced training with Ariel, Bella, Rex, and Bella, Cinderella and Rose rode off with Jamie for a little free time. They crossed the bridge over the creek and rode into the nearby forest.

They had been to this forest many times. They often came to explore and play here. It was their secret getaway to a whole new world. A world without a mean stepmother and stepsister. A world where they were explorers, princesses, and anything else besides servants.

Most of all, it was the place they first met.

The day after Cinderella's father left, her stepmother's bullying had become too much for her that she fled into the forest in despair. While crying under a tree, Cinderella found a thin, sickly Flareon wearing a gold pendant on a chain and with a newly hatched Eevee. The Flareon's name was Ruby and she already dying. She begged Cinderella to take care of her baby for her, giving the Eevee her pendant.

Feeling sorry for them, Cinderella took the baby Eevee home with her and raised her as her own, nicknaming her after her favorite flower, the rose. Cinderella and her Pokémon had secretly buried Rose's mother next to the graves of Cinderella's mother and her Sylveon. The two of them often went back to visit their mothers and talk with them. And of course, they hid Rose's pendant from the stepmother.

Rose had become Cinderella's reason to not give up hope. She had given her the heart to move forward and continue on through all their hardships.

They found the tree where they first met and sat under it. Jamie laid down next to them, relaxing in the shade.

"Cinderella, are we still going to the Perfect Princess Contest tomorrow?" asked Rose.

"Yes, we will," Cinderella replied.

"But, Ella," said Jamie, worried, "What if your stepmother and Patricia see you?"

Cinderella smiled. "They won't know we're there. We'll be in disguise and I'll wear a mask at all times. Remember how I've been competing in the Pokemon League Championships these last few months?"

"Uh, yeah," said Jamie, "You've been doing that for some time, but they've never seen you yet."

Cinderella smiled, "If no one recognizes me as the Masked Maiden, then they won't."

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