A Desperate Beta

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That's quite a mouthful. He might not help me at all.

"Then tell me how! He won't even talk to me!" I blurted suddenly, angrily gesturing my hands to demonstrate my frustration.

"Can you blame him, Carter?" Asher fired, the two of them suddenly teaming up against me. "You took it too far when you don't know the most basic thing about him. If you really want his attention, try having a casual conversation with him. Don't mention the mating bond or his problems. He just might open up. And most importantly, don't do anything stupid."

Glancing away from Asher, I took note of the death glare Jaxon was shooting me, almost as though he couldn't stand the idea of me being within five yards of Bennett. I wonder, is this how he felt when I was completely against him and Asher being together?

Ugh! It stinks.

"Okay...casual conversation. No mate bond or his problems." I repeated. Asher nodded.

"Good. Now give me a lift home." Asher demanded, making me raise an eyebrow, causing his mate to laugh. Jaxon and Asher exchanged goodbyes, parting ways with a kiss. I turned to leave, the sub following after me. But just as I reached my ride, a figure exiting the building and walking toward the bus stop caught my attention.

It's my mate! Excusing myself, I all but sprinted over to where he was, sneaking up behind him as he waited for the next bus since the first one had already left.

Bennett glanced over his shoulder at my approach, rolling his eyes and scoffing when I came to stand near him, a huge grin plastered on my face. I don't know why, but around him, I just kept smiling. Despite his persistence of wanting nothing to do with me, I got such good vibes from him that it became addicting.

Part of me wondered if he knew what being around him did for me.

"You just don't give up, do you?"

I shook my head. "I told you I wouldn't. Yesterday when you punched me." I reminded, and while he didn't glance my way, his cheeks did lift as though he were smugly grinning at something.

No doubt, my misfortune at his hands.

"What'd you want, Hayes? Thought I made it clear I wasn't going to acknowledge our bond." he stated, but as a reminder.

Several other students were already gathering where we stood while they waited for the second bus. We were a few feet away from them, but they'd have to be paying us attention to hear the conversation; as it is, they aren't.

"True. Doesn't mean I won't. And quick question, you're headed to Marcana today, right?"

"Unfortunately." he growled, and I couldn't help but grin triumphantly. He really couldn't stand me.

Yet, part of me felt like there was more to that.

"Want a ride?"

Bennett whipped around so fast I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. He stared up at me like I was crazy, and only because he's a few inches shorter than me. On cue, the second bus showed up and a grin broke out onto his face.

"I have a ride." he stated, walking toward the crowd of students fighting to get inside the bus. I followed closely, intent on leaving here with him.

"Let me get this right. You're taking the bus to Marcana when I'm already here?"

"I'm going home first and then I'll drive myself to Marcana." he reasoned, as if that made the world of sense. He really is going out of his way to avoid me.

All of that is just unnecessary. Besides, I don't think he's going to Black Rock. Jaxon left already and I'm sure he would've taken Bennett with him. I don't think Bennett is going home. He's using it as an excuse to stay away from me without inconveniencing anyone.

Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora