Blake: that could be used against him.

Yang: this is my last time saying it! He's not the one who blew up the warehouse! He has no reason to do so!

Weiss: a random change of heart? He hasn't been seen in two days so we really don't know what he's been doing.

Yang was just sick of it and left the room.

Ruby: how could you two do this? For as long as you've known him you really think he would do something like this?

Blake: we're not saying he did he's just a suspect in the whole thing. He was seen running away after all.

Ruby just shakes her head and walks towards the door.

Ruby: I- nevermind.

She leaves the room. She spots Pyrrha leaving her dorm as well.

Pyrrha: oh, hello Ruby...

She sounds depressed.

Ruby: your team thinks he did it too?

Pyrrha: no, they believe he's innocent. It's just the fact he's not answering any of my text or calls. Something bad happened to him and we can't even figure out where he is.

Ruby: we'll find him. Or Lily will. Vale is a big place I'll get Yang and the three of us can look for him later. Sounds good?

Pyrrha: perfect.


Later on that day they were walking through Vale until a man was thrown through a window.

They ready their weapons and run over to find it was a jewelry store. Four, well make that three men were trying to rob the store except all of them were on the ground and one of them were being held by the throat. It was Jade except he was in a completely black suit with a white spider on his chest going around his entire body.

Ruby: Jade?!

He looked to them but crushed the man's throat and dropped him to the ground.

Pyrrha: that's not him!

Ruby: yes it is-!

The dodge an explosive punch from him as his weapons appear on his wrist.

Yang: Jade! Chill out! It's us!

He still says nothing and jumped out the broken window.

Pyrrha used her semblance on his weapons and forced him to the ground as Yang jumped in and grabbed his legs.

Ruby: what's wrong with him?!

Pyrrha: I don't know? Call Lily she'll know what to do!

Lily: no need!

She lands beside the women as Jade broke free. His spider arms appear from his back as it was a stare-off between them.

Lily: hurt him all you want! That's not him right now, it's a Grimm- I'll explain later!

She shoots something to his legs but he webs it and throws it at Yang trapping her. Pyrrha and Ruby jumped in but neither could bring themselves to actually hurt him even though he was dodging all their attacks.

Lily: dodge left!

They both jump away from Jade as Lily shoots a sound weapon from her arms bringing Jade to his knees as this suit freaks out.

It screams in pain as it tries to stay attached to him.

Ruby: you said that is a Grimm?!

She doesn't say anything as she gets closer.

Jade starts to rip it off of him as well.

Yang: there he is!

Pyrrha tries to get closer but Gets stopped by Lily.

Lily: don't get closer it'll latch on to you!

He just about free as the thing keeps on screaming and then he rips it off and escaped the things clutches.

He falls down, passed out as the sound also overwhelmed his senses.

Lily switched to a flame thrower and drove the Grimm into a sewer grate and she was tempted to finish it off. Instead, she runs over to Jade, everyone else was already looking over him.

Ruby: what was that thing?

She says in a panic as everything wasn't making any sense.

Lily: first off we need to get this guy home so I can look over him. That sound probably overloaded his senses, mostly his ears.

Ruby: what?

Lily: his five senses are way better than ours! Stop asking questions and let's go!

The jumped into action and Lily grabbed Jade.

Lily: meet us at our house.

Pyrrha: uh, alright?

She shrugged and looked to everyone who also looked confused. Lily flies off leaving the three girls.

Pyrrha: let's go. I haven't seen or touched in him in three days! I can't take this!

Ruby: Yandere much?

Yang: you knew dating him would be dangerous, and maybe emotionally hard.

Pyrrha: let's just get moving.


Back with Lily, she placed Jade on the couch as her helmet receded into the neckline.

Lily: Mina! Remove his suit. You have a connection again.

Mina: got ya!

She removed his suit and Lily removed his weapon placing a necklace on him. It was a necklace that had black beads on it.

Mina: that is the new suit right?

Lily: not it's the housing for the suit. Still the same design and all. I already linked it to him so he would have no problems using it.

She gives him a quick check-up on and just as she finished the girls open her front door.

Lily: How did you get in here?

Mina: I let them in.

Lily: understandable then.

They rush over to them.

Ruby: is he okay?

Lily: perfect actually. He passed out but he should be waking up anytime now.

They all take a sigh of relief and Lily stands up.

Lily: I'll be in my lab, Mina will tell me if he wakes up.

She takes her suit all the way off, putting it back in its arc reactor. Lily walks away.

Pyrrha sits down and holds his hand.

Ruby: so we just gotta wait for him to wake up.

Yang: at least he looks good.

Her and Ruby go and sit on the other couch.

Pyrrha: hopefully he'll wake up soon. At least he's sleeping peacefully.,

She moved and gave Jade a lap pillow.

Yang: I'm pretty sure he's wanted one of those.

Pyrrha: we've done this before.

She runs his fingers through his hair.

Pyrrha: wake up soon, okay?

End of chapter 19 volume 2

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