Chp 22

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Hermione's pov:
We have been sitting in the waiting room for a while.
Just sitting in complete uncomfortable silence.
"Draco why are you even here?" Ron asked. I elbowed him in the stomach. He made a face of pain.
"Because....I saw that papers and I'm worried about him. You may think I don't care but I do! I really do! I messed up! And I'm going to make it right!"
Pansy started to laugh.
"Your not going in that room Draco."
I gave her a cold stare which she ignored.
"Whatever you say Pansy."
Draco crossed his arms and blew his hair out of his eyes.
A few minutes later a digger came in.
"Harry Potter."
We all got up and crowed around her.
"That's us. Is he okay? How's the baby?" I asked her in a rush.
"There doing fine. Harry has requested a Mr. Draco Malfoy come to his room."
All of our eyes went wide.
"He wants to see me?" Draco was very confused.
"If your Draco Malfoy then, yes. He does want to see you. Follow me." She smiled and walked out the room. Draco following......
"Why the hell does he want Draco! Why not us!" Ron snapped, clearly pissed off.
Draco's Pov:
I was confused walking down all those halls.
Why did Harry want to see me?
"Here's his room. Just be quiet the baby is in there to." She smiled at me and walked away.
I took a deep breath before walking in.
When I walked in I saw Harry sitting in a white covered bed and a small child in his arms.
He looked up at me and gave me a shy awkward wave.
"Hi Draco."
I felt my face get hot as he said my name.
I missed this.
I missed it a lot.
"H..hi Harry....why did you wanna see me? Why not anyone else?"
He took a deep breath.
"I thought we could talk. I want to let you talk."
I get to tell him everything.
"Okay..well where do I start?" I asked sitting down in the chair next to him.
"When I told you on the train."
I felt the tears in my eyes.
I was so ashamed of what I said to him.
"Well....I was angry...and jealous. I mean you got pregnant with another guys baby. After we promised. I didn't feel the need to here what you said. When I told Pansy and Blaise what happen I thought they would know what I said....."
I couldn't say what I said again.
Not after what happen.
"Beat the shit out of me."
I nodded.
"When they didn't...u for even angrier. My best friends betrayed me. Then I was alone. Until I found Adrain. I hated him. I just wanted to make you see what you lost. That's what I was thinking when I got with him. But it didn't feel right. His hugs, his kisses, not even his touches. Because they weren't you. Then I started to feel bad. That's why i left him. Then I exploded on you. Gave you a panic attack. Killed...her.... I didn't mean to but I was still mad, but when you went into labor next to me....I knew everything I did to you was so so wrong." I was crying now.
I wiped my eyes and sighed.
"Can I tell you my story now?"
He actually still wanted to tell me.
"Of course."
He took a deep breath.
"Well over the summer....they where playing Harry Hunting again and one of his friends...found me and....decided that I would be a good...toy...i started to feel sick by smells and things like that when I got to the Weasleys. Hermione notices and researched. I took a test and that's really it. I thought you would understand but..."
I was shocked at what he was telling me.
He got beaten and....raped, and I left him when he needed to be held, when he needed someone to love him.
"I'm so sorry, I left you like that. When you needed me. I feel absolutely ashamed of myself."
I knew he wasn't going to forgive me.
"I forgive you."
I looked up shocked.
" forgive me! Why!? After all that, you forgive me just like that!!??"
He just smiled.
"Yes, Draco you where the first person I've ever loved, and I still do love you, I just can't trust you."
I knew there was a catch.
He couldn't just forgive me like that.
"What can I do to gain that back..."
he was silent for a minute or two.
"We can be friends draco, nothing more. Maybe if I can learn to trust you again, we can try again, but no promises."
I felt my face get hot again.
He was willing to give me another chance!
He still loved me!
"Okay! I can live with that!"
I gave him a huge grin.
Then he stuck out his hand.
I smiled and shook it.
Rons Pov:
"What's taking so long!" I snapped tapping my foot.
"I don't know but I'm going to find out!" Pansy said pushing through the doors.
Hermione grabbed her arm and tried to pull her back but she didn't stop.
We all followed her down the halls and to Harry's room.
"This is it." Pansy sighed.
She pushed the door open just a little and we where all shocked at what we saw.
Draco and Harry happy together.
Draco writing something on his arm cast.
"Awwww you remember my favorite quote. I used to say it all the time."
They both started to laugh.
"Yeah it annoyed the hell out of me, but I got so used to it I started to love hearing you say it."
Draco smirked and Harry's face when red.
They both just started to laugh.
We all gasped while Pansy closed the door.
"Are they together again!?!?" Hermione asked surprised.
"They can't be!" I snapped back in reply.
"But it sure all hell seemed like they where together!"
Harry's Pov:
We talked for hours. They even let him stay over visiting hours.
I watched as he looked back at the clock and his eyes went wide.
"Shit! Mothers going to kill me. I have to go but I'll come back tomorrow. Bye Harry."
He said as he walked towards the door.
"Bye Draco." I said it in a very soft voice to try and not wake the child in my arms.
I noticed his face go a shade of pink which made me chuckle.
I didn't want him to leave. I liked having him with me.
I missed us, but I couldn't rush things.
Not after all those things he said.
There's no way I could do it.
It would take time.
Draco's Pov:
Once I closed the door I gave out a heavy sigh.
I didn't wanna leave, but mother was probably worried sick.
I was about to walk out the doors when I was ATTACKED!!
Pansy, Ron, and Hermione formed a small circle around me.
"What's going on Draco Malfoy?" Hermione asked.
"Are you with Harry again! You better not be! He deserves better!" Pansy screamed at me.
"We are not together....we're Friends and nothing more." I said pushing through them and going to the nearest floo I could find.
I never took the St. Mongos one. It's dirty. I had to, to get there. It was the fastest way.
I'm glad we are friends now.
I could possibly have a chance to be with him, relationship wise.
Wow I longer chapter......
I'm so proud of how this is turning out. It's the first story I've actually wanted to finish and I'm going to do that.
I will have a new one out I promise.
We are getting closer and closer to the end there like 3 more chapters sadly.....♥️💚

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