Chp 9

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Pansys Pov:
It was very early in the morning and very but Harry.
I mean it's been a month since we found out about the baby was a girl, and we where preparing a huge baby shower.
We had everything set up!
The great hall was covered in pink streamers.
There was a huge pink cake.
We had invitations.
Everything was ready for 3pm!
Hermione's pov:
I had to admit Pansy did better than me setting this whole thing up.
It was absolutely perfect.
She had everything in order.
I saw my girlfriend run towards Ron who was on a ladder leading so far he could fall any second.
I noticed Blaise standing shaking his head.
Everything was going to be perfect.
Draco's Pov:
It was around 2pm and everyone was walking around carrying envelopes.
All the girls where excited. The boys where walking around with there excited girlfriends.
"Wonder what that's all about."
I rolled my eyes at his voice.
"We can check it out later!" I snapped and walked away. I couldn't stand being next to him right now.
Blaise's Pov:
The baby shower was going great so far.
Everything was perfect. Just sad Pansy said it would be.
Harry was happy and that's more I could ever ask for.
I was sitting at a random table eating something when Pansy came over.
She was the only on that new what I was about to do.
"Soooooo....are you going to do it?" She had a huge smile on her face.
I sighed and gave her a look.
"Pansy I'm just nervous you know. He just got out of a relationship!" I whisper yelled.
She started to laugh.
"Clearly he doesn't want Draco anymore! He hasn't cried for him! He doesn't ask about him! Damn he won't even look at him!" She looked pissed.
"But the part just started it seems to early." I looked down into my lap and played with my hands.
ew. When did I become such a Hufflepuff.....
"It's 4:30 it started over and hour ago! Do it before it ends!" She took my hand and dragged me a bit closer to Harry.
"Okay I'm going to do it." At my words she had a huge smile on her face.
I walked over and stood in front of him.
"Oh hey Blaise." He smiled.
"Can I ask you a question.?" He looked very confused.
"Sure I guess."
Ravenclaws Pov:
Draco and I where very curious about the inventions and where everyone was.
We walked down to the great hall hand in hand.
"Let me get that door for you babe." I smiled as we stood in front of the huge double doors.
He sighed and nodded.
I slowly opened one door so we could see what was going on.
"A baby shower.....and I wasn't told..." I herd Draco whisper.
We scanned the crowed to find Harry. With a stuttering Blaise in front of him.
"I just want to no if you would go out with a don't have to I understand...."
I saw Draco's eyes go wide.
We watched as Harry's face lit up, he smiled as they embraced.
As the bone crushing hug went on Draco walked away.
"Draco where are you going!" I called over the cheering from the great hall.
"For a walk!" He called.
I ran up to him and stood in front of him.
His eyes where watery and his face was red.
"What's wrong babe?" I said very softly.
"Blaise new I loved him. Loved him with all my heart. Now he went and picked him up! Like Harry and I's relationship never happen!" Tears where running down his face. 
I hugged him and once again he didn't hug back.
"I'll make all the pain go away. Blaise will pay for wait he did," I just felt Draco nod. "You still love me right?"
Draco's Pov:
"Yes." No.....
I hated him.
With every bone in my body.
I didn't wanna be with him. I would rather be with anyone else then him.
I was heart broken.
Blaise. My best mate got with Harry. After Harry and I had a couple year relationship.
Blaise and I both liked Harry but I got him first.
I would have thought Blaise would get over his silly little crush by now, but I guess not.
Harry didn't even hesitate. He said yes as fast as he said yes to me.
He really didn't love me anymore.... it was really over...
Omg y'all i am so so so so so sorry!
This chapter is so ugly! It's rushed and not well thought out! I just have a lot going on and didn't really have time to think this out! I'll probably rewrite it but for now this stays.
But like finally asked out Harry 😏😏 
We aren't even going to talk about Draco's actions.... I'll try to fix this up! Ty for reading so far

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