Chp 2

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Pansys Pov:
Draco was being a absolute asshole!
He had just called Harry a slut!
After we calmed him down we walking to the Gryffindor common room.
We let Harry lay on a couch and we all started talking about what we where going to do.
"I can ask Dumbledore for a private room so we can all stay there with him. You know to watch him." Hermione said.
"Granger always saying the right thing." I said. She blushed.
I thought it was adorable.
Yes....I do have a crush on her, leave me alone!
"I'll go with you Granger."
She nodded her head and we started towards the door.
"Weasley your in charge. Blaise don't do anything stupid."
I called back to them.
Weasley laughed and Blaise rolled his eyes.
Hermione's pov:
Pansy and I where walking to Dumbledores office to ask for a private room for all of us.
"You know Gr..Hermione you are going to be a real big help during this."
I smiled at her comment.
"Could know go out one day.... when we aren't dealing with all this."
I got super excited, I liked Ron I really did but I liked the feeling of being with Pansy.
"Of course."
She did a Silent 'yes' and I laughed.
We reached Dumbledores office and I said the password and we both walked in.
"Ahhh Hermione, Ms. Parkinson, what can I do for the two of you?"
I sighed.
"Well we where wondering if we could get a private common room."
He looked very confused.
"And why would you need it?"
I started to speak but Pansy cut me off.
"Well you see someone how Harry has gotten himself pregnant and. Draco wasn't happen about it and threatened him so we wanna keep a close eye on him."
He looked shocked. I mean I was to, they where so happy together. Plus Draco told Harry nothing could ever break them up.
"Oh of course. How many would be staying there?"
"Me, Hermione, Blaise, Ron, and Harry." Pansy answered.
"I'll get it ready for you, get all your stuff together and meet me back here in a hour." He smiled.
"Thank you sir." I said and walked out with Pansy.
She gave me a smile, which I returned while blushing.
Then my face fell when I remembered Malfoy threatening Harry.
"Hey it's going to be okay. I won't let draco lay a hand on him." She life's my chin and spoke.
I nodded and gave her a small smile.
We almost were at the Gryffindor common room when we bumped into the one and only.
"Ummm excuse you!"
"Malfoy get you ass out of our way!" Pansy tried to push him out of the way.
"Why the fuck are you off to the Gryffindor common room with her!" He pointed right at me but she stepped in front of me.
"We are going to collect Blaise, Ron, and Harry so we can move all of our things! Now move!" She tried again but he didn't move.
"Why where the fuck are you going?"
"NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS NOW MOVE SO WE CAN GO GET THEM!" I yelled. They both looked shocked that I actually cursed.
Malfoy started to laugh.
"You pathetic mud—-" he was about to say the word when we saw Ron and Blaise run past us with Harry in Blaise's arms.
"What happen!!" He called after them.
"I'm not sure he started to bleed and is unresponsive!" The continued to run and we went after him.
Pansy stopped for a second and stuck her middle finger up and Malfoy.
Draco's Pov:
I watched as they all ran towards the hospital wing.
I had to admit I did feel bad and wanted to run after them.
I mean Harry was in Blaise's arms.
He cheated on me I couldn't feel bad.
He was pregnant with another guys baby.
I wasn't going to go after him! I was going to find myself a new boyfriend.
One that's better than Harry, deep down I new that, that wasn't possible but I was sure as hell about to try.
I rolled my eyes and walked back to the common room.
Pansys Pov:
We finally got Harry conscious again and found out that it was just him getting used to the baby inside him.
He did have to stay there for a day or two but at least he was okay.
"I'm going to talk to Malfoy."
Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.
"Pansy are you high!" Blaise said and Ron laughed.
"I'm not. I just wanna try and make him realize what he did!" I stormed off not looking back.
I was going to make Draco reason with us. I mean that much stress on Harry is bad for him and his baby.
I walked all the way to common room to find Draco sitting on a couch reading.
He looked up and smirked.
"Miss me?"
"Like hell I did! Can we just talk!" He got up and tried to walk away put I pushed him.
"Fuck off!"
"No let me talk!"
"Fine what do you want!"
I sighed.
"Will you just let me tell you what happen to him."
He laughed.
"He cheated on me what else is there to it!" He yelled and got up.
"ILL TELL YOU BE THE FUCK STILL!" I ran after him but he slammed the door to the boys dormitory!
He opened the door with a furious face.
"His baby! It's not ours! It's HIS! Don't you see the problem!"
"It could be yours. you just have to adopt it!"
He rolled his eyes.
"Nah I'm good I don't want a kid with him anyway."
He tried to close the door but I stopped him.
"You know that's a lie! We alway talk about how much you want a family with him! Scorpius Sirius Potter-Malfoy. Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy."
He looked down knowing I was right. Then looked me dead in the eye.
"I don't want them anymore! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!"
I pushed him out of the way and entered the room. I saw everything, there pictures ripped, gifts broken, there anniversary crossed out on his calendar.
It made me sad.
I shook the thought out of my head and collected Blaise's things.
"What are you doing!"
"Getting his things to move into the new common room duh." I didn't even look up.
"He's going too!!"
"Yeah! He cared about Harry more than you think you prat!" I yelled and stormed to the door with his things.
"What do you mean by that!" He yelled after me.
"You will see soon enough." I turned and winked at him the left the room to collect my things as well.
Draco's Pov;
What did she mean by that!
Did Blaise have a crush on my boyfriend!
I mean ex boyfriend.
He probably did. I didn't care though!
He could have that slut I don't give one fuck.
I looked out the common room door to see Pansy with her and Blaise's things. She shrunk them and put them all in her bag then left the room.
I had lost my best friends. They where gone.
All because of Harry!
He got pregnant and Pansy and Blaise stayed on his side.
I mean they were always friends but I didn't expect them to choose him over me!
I closed the door and looked at the mess I had made.
Gifts, pictures, my calendar, the sheets of my bed where on the floor ripped up.
I cleaned everything up throwing it all away and got new sheets.
It felt wrong to lay in a bed that I used to lay in with Harry.
I missed him I really did, but I needed to move on. It would be hard but i could do it.
Rons pov:
We where sitting in the hospital wing all talking around a sleeping Harry.
I swear I was going to beat the shit out of Malfoy for breaking up with him right now!
I mean I wouldn't give one fuck if Harry did it any bother day because I hated Malfoy, but Harry was pregnant now.
I watched as Blaise held my friends hand and rubbed circles on the back on it.
Honestly I could see them together.
Blaise wasn't a git like Malfoy and would treat him right.
I saw Blaise smile and I looked at Hermione who lead me away from the bed in the back.
"Ron look how cute that is." She looked away from me and looked bask at the two in the back. Blaise still had a dumb smile on his face.
"Honestly Hermione I think Blaise is better for Harry. I mean Malfoy left him before he could even talk."
She nodded and Pansy walked in.
Hermione shushed her and pointed to the back.
"Oh my fucking god! I knew it!" She whisper yelled.
Hermione smiled and held her hand.
Pansy stopped and looked straight at Hermione and smirked.
They where cute together I couldn't lie.
I mean Hermione was my crush last year but she seemed to always be looking at Pansy so I let her go and moved on.
I mean Neville and I have had hits together. {A/N: I do not ship them together I just needed someone to go with Ron so he wants a loner 😂 but if you ship them, go you.}
We all walked back over to the bed and watched Harry.
It was going to be a long 9 months but we where all ready for it. I mean we would have a little Harry running around.
I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Another chapter done!
Okay sooooo as you can see drarry never fully went away and it won't. They will still like each other but like it's mostly Draco and Harry 'moves on' but like deep down he only lives Draco.
New chapter out soon! Also sorry for typos I'm still editing my other stories as well so they might stay like that for a bit 🤷‍♀️
             ~ J 💚♥️

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