Chp 17

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Rons Pov:
We where all sitting with Harry in the hospital wing.
He was about to deliver Lily.
"You'll be okay Harry. We will all be outside the door." I herd Blaise say as he put his arm around Harry.
Then harry removes it.
I looked at Pansy then at Hermione.
Blaise looked very hurt at that action.
"Don't take it person Blaise. I just lost my baby. I just want to be alone. I still love you though." Harry gave Blaise a small smirk.
"Oh okay....I get it..." He said looking down and leaving the wing.
"Alright let's get this over with...." Madam Pomfrey said entering the room.
I saw a tear run down Harry's face. 
"We will be outside." Hermione said kissing his forehead.
He nodded his head as we left the room.
Pansys Pov:
I hugged Hermione as she cried after we left the room.
"Hermione we need to be strong for him." I whispered.
"I know, I know...." I wiped her face and she gave me a small watery smile.
We sat there for a few minutes...watching the students passing.
They asked how he was and if he was okay.
Then we herd a a loud gasp and someone start to cry.
We all went wide eyed and ran into the room.
"HARRY WHAT HAPPEN WHATS WRONG!" I yelled while running over to him.
He had a huge smile on his face.
"She's okay! She alive!"
We all smiled and started crying again.
"Is she actually okay?" Hermione asked Madam Pomfrey.
She nodded her head and gave his a weak smile.
"Ima still beat his ass!"
I herd ron say.
I looked back and gave him a stare.
We stayed there for another 2 hours before we where finally let out.
"Be careful!" We all herd her day from the door.
We waved goodbye and headed to the great hall.
Draco's Pov:
I was sitting at the Hufflepuff table, at the very end away from everyone, they where nice enough to let me sit.
Everyone was quiet. It just didn't feel the same.
Then we all turned our heads as they walked through the doors.
They all had huge smiles on their faces, well except Blaise.
He looked like he had been crying.
We all watched as they walked over to the Ravenclaw table to sit with Ginny and Luna.
Luna was crying due to the fact a baby with her name was now gone.
"Luna dear what's wrong?" Hermione said putting her arm around her.
Luna wiped her face and sniffed.
"Lily Luna...s..shes gone.." She stuttered.
Harry waked over to her, Hermione scooted over and he sat in her place.
"No Luna. She's okay." Harry said softly.
Luna shook her head.
"Your just trying to make me feel better." She put her head in the table.
Harry took her hand and put it on his stomach.
"See she's okay."
Luna looked up and gasped.
She was okay!
I didn't kill her!
I didn't kill Lily.
I could still have a chance with him.
Well maybe.
"SHES OKAY!" Luna shouted and hugged Harry lightly so she didn't squish lily.
They whole hall got excited.
Some people still gave me cold stares.
Blaise's Pov:
Lily was okay.
Harry was okay.
So was Luna.
But I wasn't.
Harry left me....I love him though.
I always will.
He left me because he though he lost his girl.
But he didn't so he might take me back???
I sat with a fake smile on my face as Luna and a few people around celebrated.
I looked over at Draco who had a relieved face.
I mean he did think he killed a baby.
He didn't.
Harry could forgive him now.
He could take him back now.
"I'm not leaving your side and your never leaving my sight till she's here, understand." Pansy said.
Harry grinned and nodded his head.
"Ginny! A baby is going to be named after me!" Luna squealed holding her girlfriends arm
"Yes Luna dear I know. I can't till she gets here." Ginny replies to her outburst.
Next month Harry wouldn't even know I was alive.
He will be so rapped up in her.
He won't have time for me anymore.
Even though he technically didn't have to have all his attention on me since we weren't   together anymore, but still.
I'm sorry the ending is bad but I just left the movies. I'm in the car, it's super dark out, and I watched a scary movie so don't judge, buuuuuttt.
I know I had you upset about chapter 16.
You really thought I would kill her off like that!
I would never do that!
Harry is too much of a smol bean for me to do that!
I'll have a new one out soon!
But can we just talk about almost 1000 reads!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!! Love all of you ♥️💚

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