Chp 16

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Draco's Pov:
I listened to their footsteps as they ran away.
I honestly couldn't care less.
I mean all I wanted to do was talk to him and he had to be a little bitch about it.
I walked into the great hall and almost instantly I was giving cold death stares.
One person even approached me!
"Your so full of yourself Malfoy! I can't believe you would do that to him!" The Ravenclaw girl said.
I rolled my eyes and walked away.
Apparently it's spread fast.
Really fast.
I went to sit down at the Slytherin table but was stopped.
"Oh no Malfoy you can't sit here!"
A girl said.
"And why not!" I had my arms crossed.
"Your a disgrace to Slytherin!" I herd someone yell.
I huffed and walked out of the hall.
A disgrace to Slytherin?
Just for putting Someone in their place?
Bitch please!
I'm the Slytherin prince. If anyone where a disgrace to Slytherin it would be Blaise, and probably Pansy too.
Pansys Pov:
I watched as Madam Pomfrey worked on Harry.
I couldn't believe him.
Draco Malfoy.
What a tramp.
I felt Hermione cling to my arm.
"Hermione, babe calm down they will be okay....."
I was just trying to calm her down.
I didn't know for sure.
"Where is it! Where is it!" I herd Madam Pomfrey day.
My eyes went wide as she walked out of the room and towards us.
She looked very upset.
Our eyes went wide.
"no no no no! You lost her!" Hermione said jumping up.
"I'm afraid so....I'm so sorry. I'm going to keep him here for a little while." She said.
I nodded feeling tears and herd Hermione run out of the room.
I got up and followed her.
I couldn't bare going to check on him.
Hermione's pov:
I ran down the hall tears running down my face.
I was trying to find Malfoy.
I had to do something.
He didn't this to him.
I ran and ran until I found his walking down a hall.
"Trip Jinx Malfoy!" I yelled and watched as he fell to the floor.
"Is what the fuck!" He cried as I ran up to him.
I leaned over him and he stared at me with wide eyes.
"Granger get your self out of my face! Now!"
Then I kicked his side
He cried out and I put my hand over his mouth.
"Your a little bitch Malfoy! How could you! Lily is gone because of you! You asshole!"
Draco's Pov:
She was gone. 
I killed Harry's baby.
The innocent, unborn, Lily Luna was gone.
It was my fault.
"Have anything to say for your self before I break your nose again!" She said raising her arm.
I pushed her off and ran away.
I couldn't even look at her.
As I ran down the hall I revived stares and jinx's.
People whispered and yelled at me.
I understand.
I would yell at someone if they killed a baby too.
I had to see him.
I felt so bad.
I ran to the hospital wing and opened the doors slowly.
Someone had beaten me there though.
My friend.
He was there comforting Harry, who was bawling his eyes out.
"Shhh shhh shhh Harry it's okay." He said as he rubbed his back.
I closed the door and slid down to the floor.
I started to cry.
Malfoys rarely cry.
It was my rare time to cry.
I killed the baby of someone I loved.
I didn't mean too I was just angry.
I just took my anger out on the wrong person.
He would never forgive me now.
I have absolutely nothing to say.....😔

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