Chp 19

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Pansys Pov:
We weren't aloud in the room at all today. We where told we couldn't see him until he was let out.
I was angry, not at Harry, not at Madam Pomfrey for not letting us in, at Draco Malfoy.
I was thinking back at the past months and all he did.
I got out of miones grasp and left the room.
While walking to the Slytherin common room I tried to think of some excuse to go down there.
When I got to the entrance I still hadn't found an excuse.
Then I thought of one.
Blaise wanted some book but was to lazy to come get it.
I smiled and walked in.
Nobody was in the common room.
I went up to the boys room and found Draco sitting on his bed reading some book.
I walked to Blaise's old bed and looked for the book.
Draco's Pov:
I looked up and saw Pansy looking around Blaise's old bed.
"And what are you doing here Pansy?"
She threw everything she had in her hand down and ran over to me.
With a Gryffindor red face.
"Your full of shit Malfoy!"
I gave her a confused look.
"And what did I do now!" I snapped right back.
I new what I had done.
"What have you done?!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?! You left Harry when he needed you!! You called him a slut and a bastered!! Now you expect him to take you back!!! Your full of yourself!!" She screamed then went back to collect what she needed.
"I know....I let my anger out on the wrong person....I apologize..." I said looking down and the silk covers on my bed.
"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to...." She said as she left the room.
She was right.
I've tried to talk to him!
But they won't let me!
Hermione's pov:
I woke up alone....
I didn't feel her leave this morning....
I got up, got ready, and went to wake up the boys.
They weren't there either.
Where did everyone go.....
I then walked down the halls toward the great hall.
I didn't find anyone until I opened the great hall doors.
Everyone was cooing and making baby voices.
I pushed through the crowd and saw Harry.
Out of the hospital wing with the smallest baby I've ever seen.
"Hermione it's about time you woke up!" Ron said.
I walked closer to Harry to get a better look.
She had a head of black curly hair and big bright green eyes.
"Do you wanna hold her mione?"
I nodded my head with watery eyes.
Draco's Pov:
When I walked into the great hall everyone was in a huge cluster in the middle.
'Harry she looks just like you!'
'Her eyes are so pretty!'
'Look how small she is!'
Harry was let out....
And had Lily with him.
The one I almost all the way killed.
I pushed through the crowd.
I know I'm going to get pushed away but I wanted to see what everyone was talking about.
One I got up there I was given looks.
But I wasn't really worried about them.
I was looking at the baby in Harry's arms.
She was so small and looked just like him.
And I didn't get to be apart of her life at all.
Harry would probably keep me away from her.
Well at least I got to see her.
"Let's go Malfoy." Blaise said and in harsh voice and dragged me away.
This is a sucky chapter but that's Gucci.
It's getting closer to the end 😭
I hope you enjoy and I'll have another one out soon ♥️💚

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