Chp 18

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Pansys Pov:
We where in our way to double potions.
Hermione and I on Harry's sides.
He was finally in his 9th month.
Lily could pop out at any second.
We walked into the class and Snape started to give us all partners.
"Parkinson....and Weasley."
I grabbed my bags and walked to our desk.
"Malfoy and Potter."
I looked over to Ron and he looked absolutely shocked.
Snape really swooped that low.
He knows about all the things that have been happening!
He finished giving out partners and we all got assigned a potion to make.
I couldn't focus.
I kept looking back at Harry to make sure he was okay.
Draco's Pov:
I felt the eyes of Pansy linger over to Harry and I.
He was know in his 9th month so I'm not surprised by her actions.
I looked over at Harry who was cutting something.
Then he stopped.
Dropped the knife.
And started to breath really heavily.
"Harry are you okay?" I asked in a very soft low voice.
He didn't answer he just say still.
Hermione and Blaise where in front of us, I though they would know what was going on.
"Pssst granger! I think somethings wrong with Harry."
He turned around and studied me for a second then looked over at Harry.
Her eyes went wide.
"Pansy!!" She called.
Pansy looked over and jumped up and ran over.
"Move Malfoy!" She said pushing me out of the way.
"What is going on over there! Parkinson why are you out of your seat!" My godfather yelled.
"He's going into labor!" Hermione screamed.
Oh shit.
"Everyone clear the room!" He said as students started packing their belongings and evacuating the room.
Hermione's pov:
Snape has pushed all of us out of the room and we where all know sitting on the floor outside the room.
"We get to see her soon babe!" I squealed grasping her arm.
She looked at me and smiled.
Then behind her I noticed Draco rocking back and forth.
I got up and sat closer to him.
"Are you okay Malfoy?" He looked up at me and I noticed his red puffy face.
He had been crying.
Nobody could hear him over all the chatter.
" I'm not o..okay."
I sighed. I know he did all that stuff to Harry and the rest of us but....I couldn't just sit here and let someone cry.
I felt to bad.
"Well....what's wrong?" I asked.
He sniffed and wiped his face.
"I was mean to him, now....he has to g...go through all this pa..pain."
More tears rolled down his face.
"He"ll be okay Malfoy" I said putting a arm around him. "Apologize to could fix him that he can trust you."
He smiled and nodded his head.
He started to speak but Snape walked out the room.
"You may enter." He called in his cold deep voice.
Rons pov:
When we walked back in the room everything looked completely normal.
Like nothing had just happen.
"Where Harry?!?!" Hermione asked.
I could tell she was so worried about him.
"He's in the hospital wing. You will be able to see him after class."
She nodded her head and sat down.
After class we all got up and ran towards the hospital wing.
We opened the door but was instantly pushed out my Madam Pomfrey.
"We can't have you kids in here while this is happening. I'm very sorry." She said as she closed the door.
"That's unfair!" Pansy said crossing her arms.
Guess we will have to sit here and wait.
Besides that can we just talk about 1000+ reads 👏 thank you so freakin much!!!
I'll have a new one out soon!!! ♥️💚

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